Tuesday, February 11, 2014

“This is the Stuff You Do in a Banana Republic” – Krauthammer on Latest Obamacare Employer Mandate Delay (Video)

But generally speaking you get past the next election by changing your policies, by announcing new initiatives, but not by wantonly changing the law lawlessly. This is stuff you do in a banana republic. 
It’s as if the law is simply a blackboard on which Obama writes any number he wants, any delay he wants, and any provision. It’s now reached a point where it is so endemic that nobody even notices or complains. 
I think if the complaints had started with the first arbitrary changes — and these are are not adjustments or transitions. These are political decisions to minimize the impact leading up to an election. And it’s changing the law in a way that you are not allowed to do.


Morpheus7 said...


With regard to the last sentence, "And it’s changing the law in a way that you are not allowed to do". If he's doing what he is not allowed to do (change the law), then what does that say about the law? Doesn't it kind of delegitimize the law? And if the law is not legitimate, why should the people submit to it?

Pastorius said...

That's a good question.

And here's another good question? At what point is enough enough?

Charles Martel said...

For years I have been saying this country is turning into a Third World Country. I must say it´s rewarding to hear someone like Charles Krauthammer to say the same, although he used worse imagery: a banana republic! WOW! We are really hitting rock bottom.

Morpheus7 said...


Yes, "at what point is enough enough", is really the bottom line here. I can say from my own experience, that NO ONE I know even understands what's happening, much less rise up against it. The public schools have done their job. The people don't even understand that this is Fascism in their face (more so I think than being a banana republic). What is happening right now reminds me of Mussolini in the 1930's. Congress has become useless in stemming the tide.

Pastorius said...

I had compared it to germany in the 30's, in another post.

Mussolini is probably a more fair comparison, because Obama is not threatening to remove entire groups of people from the nation.

Morpheus7 said...

Not yet. And maybe we (the United States) won't evolve to the pogrom mentality of Stalinist Russia, because of our long tradition of non-violent transfers of power. But given the militarization of the police, it will only take one widespread crisis to change that. IMHO.