Monday, May 19, 2014

Good News: Infidels Fight Off Boko Haram Attack, Kill More Than 200 Jihadist Scum

The Infidels Are Restless

From CNN:
Hotoro, Nigeria (CNN) — Residents of three villages in northeastern Nigeria took security into their own hands this week, repelling attacks by Boko Haram insurgents and killing more than 200 of them, residents and officials said. 
Hundreds of Boko Haram fighters stormed the villages of Menari, Tsangayari and Garawa in the ethnic Shuwa-dominated Kalabalge District on Tuesday. 
Boko Haram — the group responsible for the kidnapping of nearly 300 schoolgirls from the same region — was met with stiff resistance as locals put up a fierce fight, witnesses said. 
A month has passed since the girls were kidnapped, and the Nigerian government has been accused of not acting swiftly or efficiently enough to protect villages in the region threatened by Boko Haram. 
In the three villages attacked Tuesday, gunmen arrived in dozens of all-terrain vans, armored tanks and motorcycles, but villagers quickly mobilized and engaged the attackers in a prolonged battle.

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Charles Martel said...

The NYT started talking about CAR when the Christians finally decided to defend themselves. All NYT readers are now convinced the Christians are massacring the Muslims. They don't know the real story, and the enemedia feeds them deceitful news.

Now Boko Haram is going to be the victim. Just wait.

Anonymous said...

In the minds of Obama and his top foreign affairs advisors Boko Haram has been the victim from the get-go.

Victim status is the private preserve of" people of color", minorities, and Muslims. Anyone not fitting into one of those templates can never be a victim.

Pastorius said...

I get what you're saying, and it is generally true of Obama, BUT in Nigeria the Christians are "People of Color" too. Everyone is a person of color. They are all black African people.