Sunday, May 04, 2014

"Muslims of the Americas"

Remember a few years back those stories about jihadist training camps in America?

Now we read this, dated May 4, 2014:
'Muslims of the Americas' Depositions Reveal New Enclaves: The revelations came during depositions of three senior officials of the group after MOA unsuccessfully sued two of their critics

A senior official of the Muslims of the Americas/Jamaat ul-Fuqra (MOA), a terror-linked group, said during a deposition that it has a “community” outside Anchorage, Alaska. Officials also confirmed the existence of three communes in New York, California and Michigan that have yet to be publicly pinpointed.

The comments came during depositions of three senior MOA officials after the group sued two critics, Martin Mawyer and Patti Pierucci, for $30 million for their book about MOA titled Twilight in America. The judge dismissed the lawsuit last week. Astonishingly, MOA Deputy Director Hussein Adams, the son of terrorist Barry Adams, admitted he had no information to show that the defendants lacked a reasonable basis for their claims.

The MOA officials repeatedly denied being a terrorist organization, but would not provide basic details about the group. Adams was especially secretive, claiming that the group had virtually no records and that he didn’t even know the names of those on Islamberg’s town council or who was paying the bills.

MOA says it has 22 “Islamic villages” around the country, including the one named “Mahmoudberg” in Sweeny, Texas that was identified by the Clarion Project.

Other pinpointed communes include Islamberg in Hancock, NY; Holy Islamville in York County, South Carolina; Islamville in Dover, Tennessee; Hasanville in Barry’s Bay, Ontario, Canada; Madinah Village near Commerce, Georgia; Aliville in Odum, Georgia; Ahmadabad West in Red House, Virginia and one with an unknown name in Meherrin, Virginia.

Deputy Director Hussein Adams said that MOA has a “community” near Anchorage, Alaska. This is the first time that a MOA enclave has been reported in the state.

He also spoke of “Mariaville” located “just down the street” of Islamberg, New York. There is documentation of a village in Deposit, New York. Adams mentioned another site outside Los Angeles, substantiating reports of a village at Oak Hill, California. Another MOA official, Muhammed Hasib Abdul-Haqq, confirmed the existence of a site in Coldwater, Michigan.

There are likely more to be found. During his deposition, Adams claimed that only three villages (Islamberg, Mariaville and Holy Islamville) are “officially” part of his group. Another nine that he mentioned were “unofficial.” When confronted with how MOA says on its DVDs that it has 22 villages, he replied, “Well, maybe there were other locations included.”...
Read the rest and explore the links HERE.

Meanwhile: CAIR Defends U.S. Jamaat ul-Fuqra Terror Group. Of course!


Anonymous said...

I am currently pursuing a job located in Coldwater, Michigan. I have been aware of the alleged Muslims of America training compound purported to be located in Coldwater.

In my visit to Coldwater I was immediately taken aback to see two separate Muslim couples, the women dressed in full black Muslim garb walking through a park.

Obviously, this in itself means nothing, but there is obviously a traditional Muslim community in Coldwater, Michigan. This in itself could be cause for great alarm, if in fact there is a MOA "camp" located in Coldwater,

Anonymous said...

I think if you want to know what a Muslim man believes, watch what his women do and wear. They have wives, not girlfriends, and the practice strict Sharia when it comes to women.