Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Islamic State: Predictive Analysis"

By Tammy Swofford in the September 2014 edition of Economic Affairs

...The Islamic State will continue to aggressively seek expansion of physical boundaries and acquisition of quality military hardware. The doctrine which is driving the foot soldiers is one of conquest and not of governance. Human beings are the pawns on the geopolitical chessboard, and as such, merely represent a “service industry” to meet the needs of the military men of the Islamic State. Professional standing armies provide needed goods and services of their military branches via the funds allocated from a national treasury. The Islamic State acquires fundamental goods and services through a doctrine of disciplined pillage and looting of the general population.

The expansionist vision of the leadership of the Islamic State seeks an endgame which completely changes the geopolitical chessboard of the Middle East and beyond. This vision requires state of the art military hardware. Recent acquisitions have come from existing stockpiles within Iraq....


We must get ahead of the inglorious bastards of the Islamic State. “The Untouchables” has a scene that drives what I write today. In the words of Sean Connery, “What are you prepared to do?”
Read the rest HERE.


Pastorius said...

Epa's been saying that for years.

By the way, another prediction of mine regarding the IS is this:

Over the next six months, we will see Jihadist groups the world over line up with IS by signing or pledging their allegiance to the cause of the Caliphate.

IS' size will grow by 400-500% in the next six months.

Always On Watch said...

Is this the group that America will be assisting?


See Syrian rebels seize UN weapons in the Golan.

Always On Watch said...

IS' size will grow by 400-500% in the next six months.

I have no doubts whatsoever about that!