Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Kerry Building Anti-ISIS Coalition To “Demolish The Distortion Of One Of The World’s Great Peaceful Religion”

Yes Sit, Mr. Allah, Sir

Can you imagine John Kerry, or anyone in the Obama Administration, ever attempting to defend Christianity this way?

It would not happen.

From the State Dept:
SECRETARY KERRY: Good afternoon, everybody. Tonight we mark what is unquestionably a major milestone for Iraq, and what President Obama has made clear will be a cornerstone of our efforts against ISIL.  
As we build this coalition, I want to underscore that almost every single country on earth has a role to play in eliminating the ISIL threat and the evil that it represents. For some that will mean military assistance, both direct and in the form of training, arming, and advising, equipping. 
For some it will mean contributing to the desperately needed humanitarian effort. For some, it will mean helping identify, track and cut off ISIL’s funding and prevent the flow of foreign fighters. For still others, it will mean demolishing the distortion of one of the world’s great peaceful religions and counteracting the propaganda ISIL uses to recruit new supporters. 
Make no mistake; these are efforts that we and our partners around the globe are already taking. In the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have poured millions into humanitarian assistance. The UAE has agreed to take on ISIL’s support networks and beat back against its militant ideological propaganda.

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