Sunday, August 09, 2015

About The Presidential Candidates

The Clarion Project offers this resource....

U.S. Presidential Race 2016: See what all the candidates are saying about Iran, ISLAMIST RADICALISM, the threat at home and much more

Please see the outgoing links at the tabs "View [the candidate's] Platform" for more information than is provided on the first page of the above link.

For example, I clicked on "View the Cruz Platform" and got the following information:
Record on Islamic Extremism

- Sharia Law is an "enormous problem" in the U.S.
Read the rest HERE.

Here is what I found when I clicked on "View the Bush Platform":
View of Islamism

Views the conflict as ideological in nature. Said: "[Islam has] been hijacked by people who have an ideology that wants to destroy Western civilization, and they're barbarians. And so that part, which is the part that we need to confront head-on, is clearly not a religious of peace."

Believes the strategy towards radical Islam needs to be focused more on security and less on promoting Western values and nation-building. Said: "Am I the same as my brother? Of course not. I'm not. I think, for example, our foreign policy ought to be grounded in not just the export of our own values or nation-building. These are good sentiments, but first and foremost in security and peace."

Thinks it's a mistake to equate elections with democracy-promotion, pointing to how Hamas and Hezbollah were voted into power.

Domestic Islamists

The U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, a coalition of Islamist groups, demand that Bush drop American Center for Law and Justice executive director Jordan Sekulow as a top adviser to his "Right to Rise" PAC. They claim that Sekulow is "anti-Muslim" for publishing a pamphlet titled, "'Shari'a Law: Radical Islam's Threat to the U.S. Constitution." The coalition took particular issue with a sentence that claims "devout Muslims cannot truthfully swear the oath to become citizens of the United States of America."
Read the rest HERE.

The Clarion Project's main page for the Presidential candidates is HERE.

Let us realize this, however: without a real economic recovery, those of us who are pushing back against the ongoing Islamification will not be able to afford to push back.

Dollar realities are dollar realities, and those realities limit how much we can fund any pushback.

There also are time realities.  If we have to spend hours and hours treading the waters of this wreckovery, we won't have time to push back.

I'm sure that many are keeping their mouths shut because they cannot afford to lose their jobs.  Yes, I personally know a lot of muzzled people.


Anonymous said...

Ever wonder about strategy behind the GoPe? Conservative Treehouse is on it and it's worth a read...
here's a brief snippet:
"Obviously with 17 candidates, it goes without saying the key and essential tripwire was easily triggered. However, if it had not been – we would have stopped tracking.

Specifically because the number of candidate’s tripwire was triggered we began reviewing media notes for primary calendars, Super-PAC financing, inter-party alignment, money and state establishment party support.

In order for this GOPe roadmap to succeed, each faction within Not-Jeb needs multiple options for voters. Evangelicals (Santorum, Huckabee), Tea Partiers, Fiscal folks, Moderates, along with voters who might vote based on race (Carson), and/or gender (Fiorina) preferences. These can all be smaller fractures inside Non-Jeb."..."Again, the goal is to keep Jeb afloat by introducing a candidate into the larger “Not-Jeb” group who can remove support from any other larger growing bit of the “non-Jeb” candidate. Hence, South Carolina (Graham), Ohio (Kasich), Texas (Perry), and Florida (Rubio) – with further insurance policies in Virginia (Gilmore) and New York (Pataki)."

There is much more....including useful data regarding primary dates and counts, all of which he concludes:
"I WANT TO BE WRONG – Because if we are correct, the next 15 months are just about an exercise in futility. "

Anonymous said...

There is a befuddlement in the West over the distinction between Muslim (the individual) and Islam (the Creed). One cannot condemn the creed without being accused hating all Muslims. This is intellectually retarded but it has rendered entire societies incapable of protecting themselves from the dangers posed by the creed.

The Creed is evil and I've no tolerance for anyone who states otherwise, whether in honesty OR diplomacy. That there are many unfortunate human beings trapped in this creed through birth and threat of death does not change this reality of the evil that is Islam.

Muslims need the opportunity to choose to leave this prison and we are failing them by refusing to address Islam honestly on its merits. As such we are also failing ourselves, our children, and our entire civilization: A gift we received paid at great price by our forebears and being squandered at an alarming, perhaps fatal, rate.

Sadly, I don't see much hope in any of the current crop of would-be leaders.

Anonymous said...

one more image, Rupert Murdoch w/ Valerie Jarrett dining together

Always On Watch said...

That link about how to finagle Jeb Bush as the GOP's POTUS is very interesting. Thanks for pointing out that information.

Anonymous said...

Always - Conservative Treehouse has more...
Following the Money – Campaign Moves, The CoC/Wall Street Roadmap, and Candidate Expectations…

Many people are wondering how it’s possible to track the CoC/Wall Street Jeb Bush election strategy, outlined here. While I usually don’t post these types of research material links (it can get rather wonky), perhaps this will assist readers in understanding what leads to our road-map.
The professional political class simply don’t need you, me, or our money, any more. Small donations are now only a matter of keeping up an appearance. Hence they now ask you to purchase a $1 or $3 trinket. Get a couple thousand of those via handy cell phone aps, and that helps mask the fact that only a few donors are actually funding the entire campaign.

Two out of every three dollars (66%) used on campaigns comes via the allowed Super-PAC spending program. This, by necessity and plan, has removed the need for smaller political donations and has contributed greatly to the success of the professional political class (incumbency) retaining their seats (see 2014 GOPe success).

Read the whole thing...then scroll thru comments and follow conversation here:

Nothing is what it appears...sigh!