Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Charity Begins In Hell ***

A woman dedicated to helping poor, starving illegal immigrants, finds out it's not that easy to help the Somali Muslims.

When she tries to give them boxes of Halal Ravioli for free, they spread a rumor she is trying to poison them. (at 5:45)

*** "Charity Begins in Hell" is a little saying I came up with to remind myself not to tread into an act of giving with too light a heart.

The people who need charity are usually people who do not live in the land of plenty that is God's Kingdom. They live in a land of deprivation, whether physical or spiritual, or both. This deprivation can make them angry, paranoid, and willing to strike out at those who would try to help.

If I truly want to help another, I need to prepare myself to walk straight into another person's hell.

If I am not willing to do that, then I am not truly prepared to help.

The lady who runs this organization truly seems to want to help, and to understand the consequences. Still she soldiers on. That is to be admired. I can understand her frustration and anger. But she does not let it stop her.

I am impressed.


Anonymous said...

They can't be terribly hungry to refuse food. During the depression my grandfather told stories about the food they ate just to survive...cutting off mold, etc. THAT is HUNGRY...this...not so much.

Anonymous said...

That woman is a fool. She deserves what she gets. They would burn her alive if they could.

Anonymous said...

She does not look like a fool to me. She looks like a woman who struggles with the negatives that go along with her role, but then does self-talk and gets herself re-motivated to push on despite the hardships.

That is to be admired.

She seems to know she is in danger.