Friday, August 07, 2015

How The Left Shows Their Hatred For Muslims

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This article suggests the unelected EUrocracy is being put on notice by the sheikdoms of Islam who are determined to enforce their hijrah against the waking/resisting/undhimmified West...Aug.8, GulfNews: Migrant crisis testing Europe’s solidarity of purpose
Bloc needs to ensure an effective and uniform implementation of its mechanisms for migrants
This issue, while underlining the political plight of countries such as Syria, Libya, Eritrea and others in sub-Saharan Africa from where the bulk of migrants come, is also showing up the European Union’s inability to sift its politics from policies.

The resolution by European leaders in April to triple the funding of maritime operations in the Mediterranean to stem migrant drownings at sea is but one aspect of this issue. There are other imperatives that Europe needs to address urgently.

First, it needs to reassess its decision of closing some of its borders.