Monday, October 12, 2015

Marine Le Pen Dips Angela Merkel Ass In Fire

One may not really like Marine Le Pen, but that does not negate the truth of her words here, nor the fact that she is the only person standing up to Heil Merkel.

Meanwhile Merkel sits there looking like she munched on a rancid rug.


Anonymous said...

0:56"The President of the Republic cannot keep ignoring the interests of France. The interests of France do not include submitting blindly to policies decided in Berlin, Brussels, or Washington...."

So, DC is involved in the genocidal migration pact of the EU?

Pastorius said...

I do not know to what it is she is referring, but I'm quite sure Obama supports this bullshit.

Nicoenarg said...

It is quite possible she's talking about Obama's statements on his support of Muslim invasion of Europe but in Europe, as in Latin America, Middle East and Asia, it is in fashion to blame the US for every ill regardless of whether the US is involved in any way or not. It could just be that too. It works too, its very popular.