Thursday, November 05, 2015

Allah Is Satan

Allah is the best of deceivers.  Quran 3:54
Satan is the deceiver of the whole world. - Revelation 12:9

Islam has enough in common with Satanism that I have become convinced that Allah is another form of Satan.

If one believes in Satan as a real being, think about how he would act? He was, at one time, named Lucifer, the Light Bearer. God is Light, and Lucifer carried God's Light with him through creation. It is said Lucifer was the most beautiful and powerful of all God's angels in heaven.

But it is also said Lucifer fell in love with his own beauty and power and believed he could and would ascend to a place of power above the Lord God, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.


A modern translation from the original Hebrew, the passage which names "Lucifer" as the "morning star", begins with the statement:
"On the day the Lord gives you relief from your suffering and turmoil and from the harsh labour forced on you, you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: How the oppressor has come to an end! How his fury has ended!" 
After describing the death of the king, the taunt continues:
"How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! 
You said in your heart, 'I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.' 
But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit." 
Again, if Satan were a real being, and this really became his lot in life, how would such a magnificent creature respond to such devastation; the destruction, the obliteration of all his hopes and dreams, of his most fundamental beliefs about himself?

Wouldn't he begin to go crazy over time?

Wouldn't He begin to believe his own lies?

Wouldn't he believe his lies and at the same time know they aren't true?

Wouldn't this dichotomy cause him to be conflicted and insecure?

Wouldn't he make up a religion to attempt to replace the Word of God?

Wouldn't he proclaim himself to be god?

Wouldn't he proclaim himself to be all-powerful and wouldn't he lie about the central sacrifices of the Bible, proclaiming that Abraham was not willing to sacrifice Isaac, that Jesus did not die on the cross?

Wouldn''t he be a vengeful jealous god, asking for blood from his followers?

Wouldn't he hate the woman with child (the Jewish nation) and chase her through the ages, because she was to bear the Messiah? Wouldn't he hate the Jews and the Christians?

Wouldn't he proclaim a racist and tribal religion so that men would endlessly fight against each other?

Wouldn't he tell men they could do anything they want, take anything they want, rape any women they want, as long as they violate only the other tribe?

Wouldn't he hate women because they are the bearers of life?

Wouldn't he tell his followers it is ok to lie, in order to increase his power?

Would he himself lie, as it proclaims in the Qur’an that Allah is the best of all  deceivers?

Wouldn't he try to convince his followers to murder and to kill themselves, the highest victory for him that they do both at the same time?

There is no reason to doubt oneself when one is faced with such immense evil.

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has already provided a way through this sea, has already provided the lamb, has already won the victory.

We will have victory. The only question is, how long until we begin to tell acknowledge and understand the truth of the evil we face? How long until we confront the truth, and say, this far and no further?

The longer we wait, the more the evil of Allah will be spread across the Earth.

I hope we wake up soon.


Epaminondas said...

Just thinking ... IF allah IS satan, then who is Satan's BIGGEST and most perpetual enemy?


and let's not leave out the Masons from that enemies list shall we?

Pastorius said...


cjk said...

Mohammedanism has defined itself as the purest manifestation of the spirit of Antichrist. God speaking through John lays it out in First John chapter 4. Of course other religions deny the deity of Christ Jesus, but Mohammedanism makes it a central point. Look up Shirk, the unpardonable sin of Mohammedanism. Read First John and see that they are diametrically opposed.
Indeed, the worst sin one can commit in Mohammedanism is to confess that Jesus is the Son of God.
Makes ya wonder who would build that into their religion.

Anonymous said...

When I first started studying Islam, it became evident that seven centuries after Jesus came to earth, an opposing force rose to power.
Every force has a counter force. Goodness is counter balanced by evil. And evil rose in the 7th century to oppose the forces of God. Every teaching in Islam is counter the teachings of Jesus. Where Christ brought light, hope, strength, goodness, purity of spirit, Islam brought darkness, despair, moral weakness, and evil. How can we deny that Mohammad, Allah, and Islam represent evil, and the antithesis of what our Lord Jesus, Jehovah's Son, brought to earch?
Even if you look at both ideologies, as well as Jesus and Mohammad from an atheist, and purely historical perspective, the reality of their opposing forces cannot be ignored.

Anonymous said...

And Islam fits the description of the 4th horrible beast of Daniel and of Revelation 13. If it is NOT that kingdom, then something even worse than Islam will have to fulfill those prophecies and I can't even imagine something so horrible coming into existence.
Thanks for your article and courage in posting it.

AM said...

I agree with this post...i have also done a little research in Islamic sources and found out that Allah and Satan work in collaboration and Satan only mislead the people whom Allah wants it and prove me wrong can find my research here...