Saturday, December 12, 2015

Donald Trump Speaks

From Tammy Swofford:
The Trumpster continues to bedevil the GOP and delight a large number of supporters who believe the party cronyism has failed the constituency. Voting for Jeb Bush (until recently, the heir apparent) would be as exciting as a visit to the county health clinic. 
So when a candidate bursts onto the scene who trashes the script, derides his opponents and refuses to “take back” what he says, politics its resurrected from the dead. 
Trump is speaking out on issues which effect Americans. And at this moment in time, there is no bigger issue on the front burner than what transpired in San Bernardino, California during the morning of December 2nd. 
The debate is being driven by a man known for his negotiating strength. He is the man who is knocking all others off of their game. Mr. Trump released a campaign statement on Monday, December 7th. 
Recent poll findings were included that gave a metric of a sizable segment of the Muslim population with “great hatred towards Americans.” The press release also stated in part: “Without looking at the various polling data, it is obvious to anybody the hatred is beyond comprehension… Where this hatred comes from and why we will have to determine. Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people who believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life.” 
Donald Trump kicks the door shut with a mighty thud heard across the globe. No more Muslim migration. Enough is enough! There is furor of course. We are Americans. We are reminded by the candidates and the average media bobble-head that our deepest value is to embrace immigrants. The sentiment is good but the understanding of basic human need is misplaced. 
The deepest value of any given individual is self preservation. And in that quest, man both stoops and strains to his baser instincts to keep the oxygen thieves at bay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"We are reminded by the candidates and the average media bobble-head that our deepest value is to embrace immigrants."

So when did this horseshit become national gospel? The USA is about government of the people, by the people, and for the people. It is about freedom of individual conscience in the context of individual liberty and responsibility. It is opportunity to succeed and fail on one own merits.

If we have forgotten these founding concepts, and are content to bob our heads to shibboleths like "A nation of immigrants", then we have lost the country and any reason for immigrants to desire to come to our shores and prosper. We are merely boundaries on a map inviting conquerors to come in and pillage.