Thursday, December 10, 2015

UK: Great-grandmother who sent a letter to the headmistress of a top Islamic girls school claiming ‘all Muslims worship Satan’ is ordered to do community service

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” 
― George Orwell
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” 
― S.G. TallentyreThe Friends of Voltaire
“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” 
― George Washington
An eccentric great-grandmother who sent a letter to the headmistress of a top Islamic girls school claiming ‘all Muslims worship Satan’ has landed herself with a criminal record for ‘causing harm.’
Devout Christian Rose White, 68, typed the three page note saying: ‘I was saddened to see you enforce full Muslim dress and force pupils to accept the role of Satan’ after seeing photos of pupils dressed in burkhas on the school’s website.
Accompanying the letter was a 23-page cartoon-strip booklet titled, ‘Is Allah Like You?’ showing a Muslim family with a cruel father who then becomes kind after turning to Christianity.
The letter said schools would ‘have a nice future under Jesus and not Satan or Mohammed or whatever they call him’.
Police were called in after Mona Mohammed, headteacher at the 232 pupil Manchester Islamic High School for Girls picked up the letter when pupils and staff returned after a half term break.
Ms Mohammed who has been head at the £5,000 a year school since 1991 was said to be ‘deeply alarmed’ by the contents of the letter and felt it was a personal attack on her and her school.


Anonymous said...

Secularism arose in liberal western society because, on balance, Christian society brought liberty and freedom of thought that gave people sufficient liberty and social permission they could not only reject the very idea that there was a God, but they could propose ideas that were hostile to God.

Now we have come full circle, where secular forces in society have achieved sufficient breadth of control where they can now refuse to give to Christians the same latitude and liberty that Christians once gave to them.

Moreover, in their desire to suppress Christianity and Christian social mores, secularists have found common cause with Islam which also is waging war against Christianity, but for the reason of gaining control over Christian lands and people. Secularists have not yet realized that Islam also seeks to force secularists to submit to Islam's sharia law. Islam intends to throw liberal homosexuals from tall buildings just as it seeks to throw apostate Muslim homosexuals from tall buildings.

Make no mistake, this is a war that is spiritual in nature even where secular forces deny that there is such a thing spiritual forces. Spiritual war can only be fought on a spiritual basis by people who are spiritually aware. All others will be clueless and ineffective. Anyone who is not willing to be honest with who the enemy really is and what the enemy really is attempting to accomplish, is doomed to fail.

-- theBuckWheat

christian soldier said...

where is the CHRISTian law group--? they should be helping her sue!!