Thursday, January 14, 2016

Barack Obama has achieved the OPPOSITE OF DETERRENCE


Mr. Obama inherited this:

and has bequeathed this:

We have painted targets on the people who VOLUNTEER to defend us, AND on every American citizen because SOME OF US, a majority in key states, voted for a man who OBJECTIVELY hold the value of these lives in low value, and is making Hassan Nasrallah a SEER

Now while we might abhor BEING in the Middle East, and now are self sufficient if needs be in fossil fuels and products, oil is a world commodity. There is simply NO WAY for us to ignore what our allies and friends depend on.
Our ability to ensure no acts of war are committed against our interests, or friends, or allies is now A FARCE.

Those inimical to our way of life, our beliefs and our interests are INCENTIVIZED to act against us because they know Barack Obama and those who follow him and believe as he does (a majority of Americans?) do not want to act and will not act.

Now, imagine the tasks of the next president.

1 comment:

Pastorius said...

"We have painted targets on the people who VOLUNTEER to defend us, AND on every American citizen ..."