Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Well, now I understand why Cruz seemed to morph into Pat Robertson

A good ground game and the reassuring value profile does the trick in a state where, according to a Fox entrance poll, 62% of Republican caucus goers described themselves as evangelical Christians.


49% dissatisfied but not angry, 42% angry. WHOA. That means about one third of all Iowans are really upset. If a like number of independents are upset, we are going to have an R president.

Rubio may have been the big winner. No way I expected to see that number. He should be speaking now directly to Christie, Carson and Bush supporters tactically, but given is TPP/TAA vote, I cannot vote for the guy or work to support him. If Rubio would recant that vote and describe why he did recant, then MAYBE, but IMHO, it’s THAT ONE FACTOR (and his gang of 8 compromise) that will find the Corporate R’s lining up with votes and money behind him now.

MOST interesting will be to see Trump’s reaction. He needs to slam away on the economy now (trade), and avoid the other immigration subject, instead talking about ALL the foreign challenges we face.

NH will not have 2/3 of its R voters self describing as evangelicals.

And Hillary, in 1968, Eugene McCarthy drove LBJ out of the race with a 36% showing in NH. The idea that you ‘won’ Iowa is a farce.

Bernie, for god’s sake, dump the statement that terrorism is due to climate change. It makes you sound like a fool, and while you believe the govt should enforce charity (HIGH TAXES??) nd I get where that comes from, you are not a fool. JUST WRONG.

Now about the DELEGATES from Iowa selected to the R convention

Cruz 8
Trump 7
Rubio 7
Not a big win for anyone except Rubio who, a week ago would have been looking at 2-3 delegates.
Maybe Trump DID become the loser over the debate.

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