Wednesday, October 12, 2016

MSNBC CENSORS Scarborough Criticism of NBC’s ‘Cooked’ Poll Helping Hillary

From Legal Insurrection:
Scarborough’s Accusation that NBC Poll ‘Could Not Have Been Cooked More’ 
Mysteriously Disappears During the opening 6AM segment of today’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough accused NBC of having “cooked” its current poll to favor Hillary Clinton. But at 8AM when Morning Joe replayed that opening segment, Scarborough’s criticism of the NBC poll . . . had disappeared. 
Instead, the video jumped ahead to Mika Brzezinski’s reading of the poll results themselves, which showed Hillary Clinton with an 11-14% lead. 
Scarborough’s point was that NBC sampled only during the height of the hot mic hysteria, but didn’t include sampling from after the debate, widely viewed as having been won by Trump. Joe obviously knew he was skating on thin network ice, prefacing his criticism by saying “we work here. We really love working here. We love this place.”

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