Wednesday, October 12, 2016

San Antonio, Texas: Graffiti defaces S.A. church with 'No to wall' and 'Islam or Die'

Note the fancy Islamic-script stencil.

The tagging, done in black spray paint against the brick building's entrance into the Gethsemane Lutheran Church, reads, "NO TO WALL" and "ISLAM OR DIE." 
Below those words is a stenciled symbol of some kind, although it's unclear what the symbol means. 
The church's pastor, Eric Miletti, said he's unsure if the tagging has anything to do with views expressed by Trump, but he's disappointed that someone vandalized the church he's been preaching at for the past two years. 
“This is something else,” Miletti said. 
“They did put some time into this.” Miletti told a church member first noticed the vandalism Monday morning while tending to a pumpkin patch the church has been sponsoring since last week in the 600 block of Avalon Street.

1 comment:

thelastenglishprince said...

Hey, fellow idiots....

The stencil has the word Allah embedded with one of the (three) words used for Forgiveness in the Qur'an. So "Seek forgiveness from Allah".

The Surah on repentence is directed against infidels.