Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Clinton campaign backs electors' request for Russia info before Electoral College vote

Clinton campaign backs electors' request for Russia info before Electoral College vote
In an open letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, the 10 electors from six states and Washington D.C. asked for "a briefing on all investigative findings" related to Russia's role in the election, saying "these matters directly impact the core factors in our deliberations of whether (Donald Trump) is fit to serve" as president. Their concerns range from reports that the CIA has concluded that Russia used covert operations to help Trump win to Trump aides having alleged ties to Moscow. 
They contend that the Electoral College should not summarily cast votes for a state's winner but rather deliberate to ensure that the president is fit to serve. More information on intelligence findings will help them make that decision, they said.
Shouldn't the CIA/FBI also give a detailed assessment of the lengths to which the DNC went to bury Bernie and to hide Hillary's very obvious pay-for-play maneuverings? 

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