Sunday, December 04, 2016

UPDATED AT BOTTOM OF POST - Daughter of top EU official raped and murdered in Germany - Afghan migrant admits killing

A Human Sacrifice on the Altar of "Diversity"

From the Express:
Maria Ladenburger, the daughter of a high-ranking EU official, was returning from a party in the university city of Freiburg in Germany when she was assaulted on a cycle path. 
She was raped and then drowned before her body was found in the River Dreisam. – The shocking incident happened on October 16 but details have only been released after an arrest on Friday. 
The suspect, an Afghan migrant, was caught after police found DNA on a scarf near the path. The scarf reportedly belonged to Maria. They also found a strand of hair on a nearby blackberry bush. 
Officers then trawled CCTV to see find people with a similar hairstyle, which led them to the suspect. Following his arrest the suspect, aged 17, pleaded guilty to the attack and will be sentenced next year. 
The unnamed migrant arrived in Germany last year as an unaccompanied minor and lived with a local family in the city.

And just ask yourself,

"Who will fuck Angela Merkel, if we do not allow her to import millions of young Muslim men?"



From a Google Translate (a website with which I am not familiar - looks as if it could be a White Suprmacist site):

Maria L. worked in the refugee aid center in Freiburg. BehĂĽtet grew up, nobody danger aware of the school system brought the right attitude . Only from the school system? 
Maria 's father, Dr. Clemens Ladenburger, has been a 2008 Assistant to the Director-General of the European Commission's Legal Service and, as such, the authoritative author of several highly cited opinions of the European Commission on the Charter of Fundamental Rights and its relation to the Lisbon Treaty and the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) . 
He is also the liaison officer of the Federal Ministry of Justice and active in the Church and human rights political organizations that make up for exactly the European Humanitärmigrationsplanwirtschaft strongly that hovers also the Berlin GroKo and Brussels leading politicians. 
Maria's father is a leading lawyer of the European human rights civil religion and the extent perhaps even a key figure in European Staatsschlepperei policy , from the most Freiburger asylum seekers come, and a pioneer of the bull by the horns, with Merkel, Juncker, Schulz, Verhofstadt, Weber and almost all European party leaders and human rights groups in September 2015 wanted to bury the Dublin ordinance and to launch a new era of asylum policy, which was centrally managed throughout Europe. 
Maria-l-4 Still Marias funeral gathered family Ladenburger for refugee helpers club foresight Freiburg eV donations, which makes them strong against deportations . In this way, they acted in the sense of their deceased daughter. 


Anonymous said...

Translated article: The father was heavily invested in bringing refugee populations to the EU.

The script of "humans" and "refugees" subjugates any and all arguments against porous borders.

But at the end of the day, I must note that the Unabomber was a "human", Charles Manson was a "human" - but that is not the point. Being part of the human race does not give a totality of rights, especially when it comes to immigration.


Anonymous said...

Tammy piping off again:

I don't think the shock of what has happened has hit the family yet. In about six month, they may have to deal reflectively with the thought that what happens in Afghanistan no longer stays in Afghanistan: Honor killings, women as property, male supremacy.

Refugees from certain regions cannot divest themselves of cultural luggage.