Friday, October 06, 2017

Followup On Scummy Muslima Harvard Professor Who Got Thrown Off Airliner After Claiming She Is "Deathly Allergic" to Dogs

Predictably, the Muslim prof. was waiting for the right moment to play the Marxist card on her scene in the aircraft. Now of course, she is claiming she was thrown off not for the reasons published at the time, but because she is a non-white muslim woman.
This should be an easy one for the airline to disprove. Chances are at any given moment there are thousands of non-white muslim women in the air with this company.
This doesn’t mean her attempt at deflecting the events she clearly created to one of identity politics won’t work. Khadr got 20M$ by some estimates, (10.5M$ went to him, the rest to his contingency lawyer) but it is likely what anyone knew it was going to be at the time. A staged event for this very purpose.

1 comment:

thelastenglishprince said...

The issue was a simple one. The woman claimed a life-threatening allergy to dogs. There were two dogs boarded in the cabin. The airline wanted the individual to produce a medical certificated giving her clearance to fly. She created a liability for the airline with her comment. (Another passenger witnessed and confirms her use of the phrase "life-threatening")

My guess is the woman will not be able to produce a pixel-worth of electronic medical data that shows she has been tested for allergies.

Perhaps, she should be tested for stupidity?

Meantime, a therapy dog visited Thomas Gunderson in the hospital in Las Vegas. One of the dogs on that SW Airlines flight was a therapy dog. smile