Sunday, October 08, 2017

MetPoliceUK: "The incident is a road traffic investigation and not a terrorist-related incident."

Oh really? One must begin to question if there is an internationalist movement, now, among American and European leaders, to attempt to outright lie about Jihadist attacks.

ISIS has thrice claimed responsibility for the Vegas Massacre, and yet, officials are absolutely set on  proclaiming that it is not terror-related.

And now, this incident in the UK? If that is not Jihadist terrorism, then it didn't happen. This was not an accident.

MetPoliceUK: "The incident is a road traffic investigation and not a terrorist-related incident." 
But, of course, it is pedestrians who collided with the car…Outlaw pedestrians!/sarc


Massive rally closes London's Park Lane - football fans protest against terror extremism

THOUSANDS of football fans descended on London today to protest against extremism after a spate of terror attacks in the UK.


UK: Viewers of “jihadi websites” or “far-right propaganda” to get 15 years in prison



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