Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Trump Administration Moves To Deny Green Cards To Migrants On Public Benefits

Trump wants to have a more "Merit-based" immigration system, requiring those who apply for citizenship to prove that they will not be a burden to society.

Leftists will inevitably be angry at this, because Leftists want Immigrants to be burdens on our society.

Burdens on our society are features of Leftist policy, not bugs.

This is because Leftists are trying to topple our government, Communist-Revolution style.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't get me started on the elderly parents of immigrants who are parachuted into my city to land in my hospital within days of arrival to suck up tens of thousands of dollars of free care. The medical fraud is tremendous.

Diagnosis in Asia? Show up in our Emergency Department and find the cure for free!

* Please note my care is compassionate and unwavering regardless of situation. But also possessing a brain - I understand what is being perpetrated on American tax-payers. The fraud is like a weekly smack-down.