Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Campus security guard roughs up Trump supporter at Bernie Sanders rally

In a now-viral video, a security guard at Virginia Wesleyan University can be seen attempting to take a Trump supporter’s “Trump” flag, and then tackling the guy when he objects. 
Campus Reform reports the Trump supporter, Markus Gohring, was present (with flag) at a campus Bernie Sanders rally when VWU security guards approached and informed him that he’d have to leave. 
The guard who (allegedly) ultimately tackled Gohring tells him “Leave! I’m not gonna tell you again,” “You are not following my instructions,” and “Nobody gotta tell me to tell you to leave.” 
The guard adds “You’re on my property. This is private property. (VWU is a private college; however, the Sanders event was advertised as “free and open to the public.”)

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