Thursday, March 05, 2020

High School Closes Gender Neutral Bathroom After Assault

High School Closes Gender Neutral Bathroom After Assault
A Wisconsin high school is shuttering its gender neutral bathroom after a student was taken into custody for an alleged sexual assault inside the facility. 
This experiment in political correctness ended on a highly disturbing note. 18-year-old Austin Sauer, a senior at Rhinelander High School, was arrested for fourth-degree sexual assault, child enticement, and exposing his genitals to a child inside the facility. 
Remarkably, Captain Terri Hook from the Oneida County Sheriff’s Office, stated that the school did not inform parents because it was an isolated incident and the offending students had been removed from the school.


Always On Watch said...

Imagine that!

revereridesagain said...

Hope no one is claiming surprise, because that's been their real purpose all along.

John Press said...

If it's 'all gender' why do they only include 4 genders? (Yes haters, 'wheel chair' is a gender). I think the assault happened because they weren't inclusive enough.

Pastorius said...

Yeah, the reason I included that photo was specifically because Wheelchair is a Gender.


Pastorius said...

RRA, it took me some time to figure that out. But yeah, now I think you are right.