Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Students for Western Civilisation: "We're Filing Hate Charges Against The CBC

From Vlad Tepes Blog:
Here is an interesting idea which has a potential win/win outcome. If the suit loses, it is a huge data point for the theory that the West now operates on a dialectic negation of Western peoples and ideas using a very directed selective enforcement of laws, that for the most part, should not exist in the first place. Like “hate speech laws”. Which are Taylor made for this exact purpose. 
If the suit wins then it wins. Although I can see a potential outcome which could be bad for freedom and reality. But there is no point in offering tactical advice to the enemy at this point. Even so, this is one to watch. The real challenge should be against ANY laws that prevent any kind of political speech. That means freedom for Nazis as much as for Zionists. We have to have free speech for all, or else the totalitarian impulse will win.

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