Sunday, May 03, 2020

16,000 Coronavirus Deaths in Nursing Homes

If Team Lockdown had really wanted to save lives, they would have spent a fraction of the energy that they did shutting down small businesses and arresting surfers, protecting nursing home residents. And that's all you need to know about their feigned concern with saving human lives. 
When I wrote this article, 1 in 5 coronavirus deaths were in nursing homes. 
Of the 4,377 coronavirus deaths in New Jersey, over 1,700 died due to infections in nursing homes. 
That nearly 40% of coronavirus deaths in one of the hardest hit states took place in nursing homes casts a stark light on the misplaced priorities of blue states battling the pandemic by locking down houses of worship and small businesses, while putting few to no resources into protecting nursing home residents. 
In California, 29% of the deaths in Los Angeles County have taken place in nursing homes. In nearby Long Beach, it’s as high as 72%. In one Central Valley home, 156 residents tested positive and 8 died. California, like New York, was forcing care facilities to accept coronavirus patients discharged from hospitals. 
Newsom, like Cuomo, has blood on his manicured hands. Blue state health departments worked hard to suppress the full scope of the death toll. Why? Because it would undermine the lockdown policy and show how heartless the "We're all in this together" crowd were. 
Now the numbers are 1 in 4 with 16,000 dead. 
Under mounting public pressure to increase transparency, more states are now releasing information about the scourge of the coronavirus on nursing homes and long-term care facilities. The data paints a grim picture: more than 16,000 residents and staff have died, roughly a quarter of the nation’s overall deaths. 
In Maryland, which released a list of facilities with positive cases for the first time this week, 97 residents are infected and 34 have died at the facility with the highest number of fatalities, Sagepoint Nursing and Rehabilitation. 
In New Jersey, where the virus has reached 86% of the state’s 575 long-term care facilities, outbreaks at two veterans’ homes have left 97 dead. 
In multiple states, including Kentucky, Colorado and Pennsylvania, more than half of the state’s fatalities are from nursing homes. Nearly 97,000 residents and staff from nursing homes and long-term care facilities have tested positive, according to the numbers gathered by USA TODAY from state agencies. More than 5,700 facilities in 46 states have acknowledged having either a resident or staff member contract the virus. 
The numbers are an undercount, given that many states have not released full data and testing has been limited. CMS ordered a full release of data. But states are still fighting this and they'll go on fighting this. 
We could have saved countless lives, not by shutting down the economy, but by throwing a fraction of the resources at protecting nursing home residents. But don't worry, all the right people cashed in, the big socialist project is now more viable than ever, and nursing home residents will go on dying while the media and politicians go on scolding people for going to the beach.

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