Wednesday, September 04, 2024

My neighborhood is being destroyed

My neighborhood is being destroyed. Single family homes are now sold to investors. These investors turn them into slum lord micro-hotels where bunk beds and mats on the floors are rented out to dozens of illegal men – day workers – who need a place to perform the “three S’s”. Residential zoning is not protected by our city council and our Code Enforcement does not give a damn. They no longer love us.

At nighttime, I look across the street and spot 10-12 Hispanic men on the porch and in the front yard of a home. This is not a party. This is an invasion.

We live in one of the southern neighborhoods of our city of 250,000 which is adjacent to the Hospital District. It is the older, more genteel part of town with a bounty of leafy trees and beautiful mid-century modern homes. But now? Fly a drone over our neighborhood at night. Many driveways have six cars and additional cars on the street. One home in the Hospital District (a short walk from our home) has 8-10 vehicles parked in front 24/7. The “investor” is hot-racking the property. Our neighborhood looks like a giant used car lot. They no longer love us.

Shopping for groceries is an unpleasant experience. The aisles of our local stores are clotted with peasantry from many nations who cannot speak English. I look around. I am a foreigner in my own land. They no longer love us.

I have a friend on the east coast who opines about the suffering, the needs of others… individuals are fleeing violence and poverty. He does not live in my world. He lives above it. He does not care about America. Because if he cared about America he would care for Americans first.

The current Biden-Harris administration does not care about America. Powerful individuals are enriching themselves from Biden-Harris open border policies. The fact is that America has cared for the greater world in many ways with USAID, our treaties, our assistance in time of war… natural disaster… famine. We are a generous people. Our legal migration policies are generous. But our corrupt officials have found that it is easier to enrich themselves if we keep the money here… pour it into programs for illegals… sparing no expense… and destroying American families one illegal at a time. The migration is not about compassion. It is about money. They no longer love us.

We the People are being whipped; treated badly; demoralized; ignored by our own leadership.

We bear the brunt of the financial burden for running the court system...


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