Monday, February 06, 2006

More attacks and boycotts

Folkekirkens Nødhjælp have experienced very hostile attitude and eventually fighters of Allah carried out one of their greatest and most noble professions, throw stones at Folkekirens Nødhælps offices in Dar-fur. Of course this is reasoned by the notorious Muhammed drawings. Folkekirkens Nødhjælp withdraw several of their workers in West-bank while delegates has been hold back. Because of this, Folkekirkens Nødhjælp now donate 250,000 DKK (~40,136 USD) more to the Middle-east (probably headed for the West-bank).

Pakistan's pharmacists and doctors won't prescribe medicin from Denmark, Norway, Germany, Switzerland and France. Good luck, because Denmark is one of the most leading into producing special vaccines and insulin.

There has been two victims because of these drawings. In Beirut one died in the flames. In Afghanistan there has been shootings because of the drawings and one died.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark has updated their travel guidiance to include these countries not to travel to: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Oman, The United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Jordan, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kuwait. The situation isn't so acute that Danes already in these states has to leave immediately, but they should act careful.

Also, Imams here in Denmark demand through the TV debate rogrammes to be the Danish face outside to the arab world, because the PM Anders Fogh Rasmussen doesn't have as much value as them, being religous leaders. But arab debaters really have difficulties to explain things now, though they try to make get the usual "the Western world has been so bad to us so it's understandable that the muslim world is so mad"-statement through.

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