Monday, February 06, 2006

Why Now?

Felis over at Democracy Frontline recently posted the following information:
"Drawing cartoons with the controversial Musulman 'prophet' Muhammad is not a new activity. Have no illusions about the sudden religious Muslim sensitivity. The Muslim powerbrokers are proceeding just one step further to gain full protection of the European law. If they win now nobody will be able to criticize Islam as a religious or political doctrine. Nothing happens in the Muslim world spontaneously. There is always some sinister group of people who plan, pay expenses press buttons and unleash their hounds when the time is ripe.

"Well before the Danish cartoonists, who probably by now wished to be somewhere safe in Israel, various artists depicted Muhammad probably thousands of times. Initially it was the Persian and Turkish Muslim artists. Muhammand was depicted also by Western artists before....

"Why wasn’t the Muslim fury released then (apart from some mild whining from Islam on Line)?..."

Good question.

Read the rest of my article, "About Freedom of Expression," here.

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