Sunday, April 09, 2006

Scanning the web about Iran, and the 'new' era..

There's something very interesting going on this tiny world of ours in blogonia, blogosphere, whatever. However, I am certain it perfectly reflects the thinking of the larger, outer reality.

The theoreticians and anlyzers here have moved to the next level.
If you have not yet read the Dan Simmons short story then please go here and do it. It's power is in inverse proportion to its length. It's brief and doesn't waste a single word. See if you can come up with the 3 words

The future history makes the point that Athens lost the 30 year long Peloponnesian War essentially at Syracuse to the military dictatorship and 1/2 millenia old slaveocracy of Sparta dooming democracy by not being ruthless enough as an analogy to what we should do now, but failed to, dooming the future to war hundreds of years long, against a caliphate.

Of course unknown to all was the coming leak about the president's considering the use of nuclear weapons .

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1 comment:

Pastorius said...

Your post here is important. Thanks.