Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Storm Track Disinformation: Muslim Apologists Don’t Seem to Get the Point

From The Gathering Storm

A recent editorial in the Hamilton Spectator, a Canadian newspaper, reveals the confusion among Muslims when dealing with terrorists in their community. The editorial was written by Imam Dr. Yahya Fadlalla and he said, “Canada will likely face major terrorist acts in the future if certain things do not change. There are three aspects to this: government, media and the Muslim community. If all three are dealt with, I believe the problem can be confronted successfully.”

His diagnosis and prognosis of the Muslim problem in Canada (and which applies directly to all Muslims in the free world) is pretty good until he gets to the media. When he does, he portrays the blind side of every Muslim defense argument when discussing terrorism.

He said, “It is a fact that there are extremists among Muslims, but why are they referred to by their religion? This taints Islam in the eyes of the public and consequently affect Muslims in their job searches and relationships with non-Muslim friends, neighbors, colleagues and, in some cases, family members.”

That's error number one.

First, every Muslim is not a terrorist, but it seems every terrorist is a Muslim even though Muslim apologists twist and turn and bend over backwards to try and disprove that fact.

Case in point, CAIR – the mouth piece of Islamists in America. In an article entitled “Miami Jihad? What Miami Jihad?” at FrontPage magazine, planning to murder innocent Americans in the name of radical Islam doesn’t necessarily make one a Muslim terrorist. At least that was the opinion expressed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) after last month’s arrests of seven black men in Miami for plotting to blow up the Sears Tower and the FBI headquarters in Miami.

“Given that the reported beliefs of this bizarre group have nothing to do with Islam, we ask members of the media to refrain from calling them Muslims,” read a statement from Ahmed Bedier, Director of CAIR Florida chapter.

In fact, the men arrested were members of the “Seas of David” religious group, an Islamic sect that follows the tenets of the Moorish Science Temple of America. A member of the “Seas of David” told CNN after the arrests that, We study Allah and the worship of the regular Bible.”

More examples of terrorists claiming to be and acting as Muslims appear in the FrontPage article. But back to Dr. Yahya Fadlalla who, again, proves my point that Muslims owe allegiance to the ummah and not the county they live in.

“This, in turn, creates and stirs anger in the Muslim community on top of the ongoing frustration caused by what their Muslim brothers and sisters are facing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and other parts of the world. This anger usually appears to be directed towards the West, including Canada, while it creates sympathy toward Al-Qaeda and Taliban. The media needs to correct certain practices when it comes to reporting on Muslims and Islam.”

That’s error number two.

Answer me this, Dr. Fadlalla. When Catholics were at war with Protestants in Northern Ireland, did Catholics around the world respond with killing and rioting in support of their Catholic brethren? Did they form Catholic cells in countries outside Britain and plotted to ‘send a message’ to those living in their country?

I think not. This Muslim excuse is getting old and at the same time, they don’t realize how this excuse is revealing more about Muslims and their loyalties that I think they want to reveal right now.

Muslims in the free world will have to stop crapping on their host country’s door step, then ring the door bell to ask for toilet paper.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Islam is a mental illness that prevents Muslims from thinking rationally"

A meme is a mind-virus that infects its host and sends it insane. Islam is a prime example of a mind-virus as noted by Winston Churchill, who compared Islam (Mohammedanism) with rabies (hydrophobia) . Churchill's older terminology is in parentheses.

More recently Richard Dawkins has coined the terms 'meme' and 'memetics' for the study of aggressive, violent and destructive cults such as Islam.

Islam, like the rabies virus, contains the instruction 'spread me at any cost, including your own death'. Islam, like the rabies virus, contains nothing apart from the drive to replicate and cause immense sufferring in the process.

How many more trains are going to be bombed before the world realises that those Muslims that can be cured should be, those that can't be cured should be quarantined, and those that present a clear and present danger may need to be culled?

In order to protect future generations we need to develop a strategy to prevent this meme, mind-virus or whatever you want to call it infecting more people.

Eradicating Islam should be a major public mental health objective in all civilised countries.