Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sweet-heart, get me re-write.

The following story from one of Canada's most prestigious national newspapers is so badly written that I felt a need to do it for them right, perhaps to the point they'll come asking me to write for them on salary.

No need to thank me, Globe and Mail, just send the money direct to my bank acct.

Protests give Harper food for thought


Canadian Press

— Prime Minister Stephen Harper may have gained brownie points from some for picking up Canadian evacuees from Lebanon in his personal jet, but a protest Saturday showed he hasn't impressed everyone.

Pleas for peace at the rally were offset by cheers and jubilation at word of a Hezbollah claim that 22 Israeli soldiers had have been killed during a limited drive into southern Lebanon.

[Cont. at:]


1 comment:

Dag said...

Thanks, Stogie, for the bumpersticker graphic in the Covenant Zone original.