Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Banning Video Blogging In The EU?

Apparently, the EU wants to force internet Vloggers to apply for broadcast licenses:

THE Government is seeking to prevent an EU directive that could extend broadcasting regulations to the internet, hitting popular video-sharing websites such as YouTube.

The European Commission proposal would require websites and mobile phone services that feature video images to conform to standards laid down in Brussels.

Ministers fear that the directive would hit not only successful sites such as YouTube but also amateur “video bloggers” who post material on their own sites. Personal websites would have to be licensed as a “television-like service”.

Viviane Reding, the Media Commissioner, argues that the purpose is simply to set minimum standards on areas such as advertising, hate speech and the protection of children.

Pastorius rule of thumb: Whenever you hear someone making the claim they are trying to protect the children, they are really trying to take away the freedom of adults.

Michelle Malkin comments:

The hate-speech strictures ought to be of particular concern to bloggers who are unapologetically critical of jihad. But this is a regulatory threat that crosses partisan, ideological, and geographic lines. If European videobloggers of all stripes are forced to apply for licenses, it won't be long until those of us across the pond face those same ridiculous requirements.

Say no to Internet blog licensing requirements. Contact the EU Council here:
Council of the European Union

Rue de la Loi, 175 B-1048 Bruxelles
Telephone (32-2) 281 61 11
Fax (32-2) 281 69 99


Anonymous said...

It's time to consult with Janet Reno!

ziontruth said...

George O. was only late by 22 years.

Kiddo said...

Wow, the EuroYouTubers are probably going to riot. I'd better get over there, this might be interesting...

Pastorius said...

We can't have anyone freely expressing their opinions now can we?

Epaminondas said...

Any government large enough to give you everything is large enough to take everything away.

Now what was all that caterwhauling about Mr. Bush and his fascism?

Mr. Bush and his intimidating criticisms chilling free speech?

Mr Cheney and his stifling of dissent?

Tell these ninnies that since their reproductive rate is so low, their populations are being haved in this 35 years, and THEY NO LONGER MATTER ANYWAY.