Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Winds of War: Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic – Part 2

From The Gathering Storm

In part one of this series, we discussed the type of warfare that the Islamists are using successfully against the non-Muslim nations. Let’s turn to the actual tactics being used in this type of warfare. What are the actual tactics, or three part strategy motioned before, that are used in this asynchronous war of intimidation, infiltration and disinformationwagedagainst us? What do these tactic look like? Dr. Anis Shorrosh gives us some examples.

First, Intimidation.

  • Yield to the fear of imminent shut-off of the lifeblood of America - the black gold.
  • Yell, "foul, out-of-context, personal interpretation, hate crime, Zionist, un- American, inaccurate interpretation of the Quran" anytime Islam is criticized or the Quran is analyzed in the public arena.
  • Send intimidating messages and messengers to the outspoken individuals who are critical of Islam and seek to eliminate them by hook or crook.
  • Form riots and demonstrations in the prison system demanding Islamic Sharia as the way of life, not American's justice system.
  • Have CAIR and other Muslim activists are steadily institutionalizing Islam at the local level, exploiting the very religious freedoms and tolerances they would ban. Despite its dark history and terrorist ties, CAIR continues to exert tremendous influence in Washington. Their propaganda machine is supported by multi-million dollar donations from Saudi Arabia. In the words of CAIR’s Chairman, Omar Ahmad, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to be dominant. The Koran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth”.

Next, Infiltration

  • Nominate Muslim sympathizers to political office for favorable legislation to Islam and support potential sympathizers by block voting.
  • Unify the numerous Muslim lobbies in Washington, mosques, Islamic student centers, educational organizations, magazines and papers by internet and an annual convention to coordinate plans, propagate the faith and engender news in the media of their visibility.
  • Take control of as much of Hollywood, the press, TV, radio and the internet by buying the corporations or a controlling stock.
  • Encourage Muslims to penetrate the White House, specifically with Islamists who can articulate a marvelous and peaceful picture of Islam. Acquire government positions, get membership in local school boards. Train Muslims as medical doctors to dominate the medical field, research and pharmaceutical companies. Take over the computer industry. Establish Middle Eastern restaurants throughout the U.S. to connect planners of Islamization in a discreet way. Ever notice how numerous Muslim doctors in America are, when their countries need them more desperately than America? Over 90% of American Mosques are Saudi funded and tainted by Wahabbi doctrine. Hate-inspired anti-American messages and literature are shared with their hungry audiences on our own soil.
  • Open numerous charities throughout the U.S. but use the funds to support Islamic terrorism with American dollars.
  • Accelerate Islamic demographic growth via: (Demographic jihad)
    • Massive immigration (100,000 annually since 1961)
    • No birth control whatsoever - every baby of Muslim parents is automatically a Muslim and cannot choose another religion later.
    • Muslim men must marry American women and Islamize them (10,000 annually). Then divorce them and remarry every five years - since one cannot have the Muslim legal permission to marry four at one time. This is a legal solution in America.
  • Convert angry, alienated inmates and turn them into militants (so far 2000 released inmates have joined Al Qaida world-wide). Only a few have been captured in Afghanistan and on American soil. So far - sleeping cells!On an annual basis, tens of thousands of prisoners are being converted to Islam in our penal institutions. Upon release, many of these same felons are recruited into a standing army awaiting marching orders.
  • Reading, writing, arithmetic and research through the American educational system, mosques and student centers (now 1500) should be sprinkled with dislike of Jews, evangelical Christians and democracy. There are 300 exclusively Muslim schools with loyalty to the Quran, not the U.S. Constitution. American institutions of higher learning like Harvard, Georgetown and many others have received multi-million dollar gifts from Saudi Arabian dignitaries – funds being used to purchase influence and capture the minds of our youth.

Finally, Disinformation

  • Wage a war of words using black leaders like Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Jesse Jackson and other visible religious personalities to promote Islam as the original African-American's religion while Christianity is for the whites! Strange enough, no one tells the African-Americans that it was the Arab Muslims who captured them and sold them as slaves, neither the fact that in Arabic the word for black and slave is the same, "Abed."
  • Engage the American public in dialogues, discussions, debates in colleges, universities, public libraries, radio, TV, churches and mosques on the virtues of Islam. Proclaim how it is historically another religion like Judaism and Christianity with the same monotheistic faith.
  • Let the entire world know through propaganda, speeches, seminars, local and national media that terrorists have hijacked Islam, not the truth, which is Islam hijacked the terrorists. Furthermore in January of 2002, Saudi Arabia's Embassy in Washington mailed 4500 packets of the Quran, videos, promoting Islam to America's high schools--free. They would never allow us to reciprocate. Our enemies are forthright when voicing their intensions with regard to establishing a caliphate and delivering the entire world to Allah. We are the ones who refuse to accept the fact that they mean business and continue to live in a state of denial.
  • Nullify America's sense of security by manipulating the intelligence community with misinformation. Periodically terrorize Americans of impending attacks on bridges, tunnels, water supplies, airports, apartment buildings and malls. (We have experienced this too often since 9-11.)

And let’s not forget the role that the ‘useful idiots’ play in undermining our attempts at confronting the asynchronous warfare strategies of the Islamists. That of the Appeasers and Apologists

  • Terminate America's freedom of speech by replacing it with hate crime bills state-wide and nation-wide.
  • Provide very sizeable monetary Muslim grants to colleges and universities in America to establish "Centers for Islamic studies" with Muslim directors to promote Islam in higher education institutions.
  • Applaud Muslims as loyal citizens of the US by spotlighting their voting record as the highest percentage of all minority and ethic groups in America.
  • Appeal to the historically compassionate and sensitive Americans for sympathy and tolerance towards the Muslims in America who are portrayed as mainly immigrants from oppressed countries.
  • Raise interest in Islam on America's campuses by insisting that freshman take at least one course on Islam. Be sure that the writer is a bonafide American, Christian, scholarly and able to cover up the violence in the Quran and express the peaceful, spiritual and religious aspect only.

Now let’s see how these tactics fit into what’s called the Jihad ‘Support Pyramid’.

In a letter to the editor at the Free Lance-Star, the writer paints a very good picture of how an enemy can fight and win battles in an asynchronous war. He outlines the “Support Pyramid” that sustains terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and al-Qaida.

  • The base pyramid layer is "Public Opinion" that provides a fertile layer for fomenting sympathy (this layer relies upon tear-jerking BBC/CNN broadcasts and the Internet). This layer includes the ‘Useful Idiots’ who appease and apologize for the enemy or are downright anti-American traitors like Michael Moore. This compares to the tactics of DISINFORMATION and APPEASEMENT.
  • The next layer is "Passive Support," or "Neutral," which means that out of conviction or fear, one who is aware of terrorists or their activities will say or do nothing. Muslim moderates who out of fear for their lives are intimidated into silence. This compares to the tactic of INTIMIDATION and Cultural Jihad as a result of Democratic Jihad.
  • The third layer is "Active Support" (which Hezbollah vigorously practices in the United States and other open societies), and involves fundraising, providing safe houses, disinformation, seeding confusion like organizations like CAIR. Also those nations that lend financial support and safe-havens for planning and training. This compares to the tactic of DISINFORMATION and INFILTRATION.
  • The next layer is the "Operatives"--guys like Mohammed Atta, who perform missions, and "Leadership," which is the top layer. This is the Militant Jihad or the tactics of the Jihadists.

We must remember that its jihad all the time whether it’s militant, cultural, or demographic and moderate Muslims must face the consequences of participating in the support pyramid. The general non-Muslim population is getting more and not less suspicious of Islam and those that practice it in spite of the colophony of those who scream ‘Islamopobe’ when anyone tries to critique the Muslim reality they see around them.

We have to cease rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic and confront the ideology that seeks to dominate and destroy our democratic societies. If not, our very self-preservation will be endangered.

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