Sunday, October 08, 2006

French School Girl Stoned By Muslims ...

... for eating during Ramadan (attention, we need someone to do a better translation than this, so if you speak French, please help.):

The story is developing ..............

Over at Resilience;

Une collégienne du collège jean mermoz dans le 8° arrdt de Lyon a été agressée à coup de pierre mercredi matin en cour de récréation alors qu'elle mangeait son goûter . La thèse d'un acte lié au non-respect du ramadan est confirmé par le parquet de Lyon sur la foi des premiers éléments de l'enquête.

Azzedine Gacci, le pdt du CRCM, déclare que si "les faits sont avérés, ils sont inacceptables". Il déplore l'ignorance des élèves à qui il faudrait enseigner le Coran à l'école et qui ignorent que sont exemptées de suivre le ramadan les "femmes indisposées".

Translation anyone?

This is the best so far;

A schoolgirl of the college jean mermoz in the 8° arrdt of Lyons has been attacked to stroke of stone Wednesday morning in court of recreation whereas it ate her/its snack. The thesis of an act bound to the failure to respect of the ramadan is confirmed by the public prosecutor's office of Lyons on the faith of the first elements of the investigation. Azzedine Gacci, the pdt of the CRCM, declares that if "the facts are established, they are unacceptable." He/it deplores the ignorance of the pupils that would be necessary to teach the Koran in the school and that ignore that are exempted to follow the ramadan the "unwell women."

Here's a translation from fellow Infidel, Charles Henry (with a note from Charles):

A female student of Jean Mermoz College, in the 8th municipal borough of Lyons was assaulted with stones Wednesday morning in the schoolyard [“cour de recreation”] while she was eating her afternoon snack. The theory that this act is connected to disrespect of Ramadan is confirmed by Lyons’ public prosecutor on the strength of preliminary facts in the inquiry.Azzedine Gacci, president of the CRCM [“Conseil régional du culte musulman”, the Regional Counsel of the muslim faith] declares that if “the facts are proven true, they are unacceptable.” He deplores the ignorance of students to whom one should be teaching the Koran at school and who ignore the fact that “sickly women” are exempted from following Ramadan.

***this is the regional website of the islamic group mentioned in the article..:

There's a photo of the Gacci fellow here:

(Note from Charles the translator): The meaning in the second paragraph is a bit ambiguous, at least to me; it's hard to infer whether the muslim group's president feels that muslims themselves have to be better taught their own religion, or if he instead means that other people outside the faith need to be better informed about the truth about islam. (he might mean that it's crazy to suspect other muslims of the crime, since they would know of the exemption for sickly women and wouldn't be likely to stone them)I looked through other french blogs for a while but haven't seen the story repeated anywhere, to glean additional facts. I'll volunteer to look again after supper tonight.

Here's more from Western Resistance.


Charles Henry said...

A female student of Jean Mermoz College, in the 8th municipal borough of Lyons was assaulted with stones Wednesday morning in the schoolyard [“cour de recreation”] while she was eating her afternoon snack. The theory that this act is connected to disrespect of Ramadan is confirmed by Lyons’ public prosecutor on the strength of preliminary facts in the inquiry.

Azzedine Gacci, president of the CRCM [“Conseil régional du culte musulman”, the Regional Counsel of the muslim faith] declares that if “the facts are proven true, they are unacceptable.” He deplores the ignorance of students to whom one should be teaching the Koran at school and who ignore the fact that “sickly women” are exempted from following Ramadan.

By the context of the article, I'm having trouble deciding if president Gacci means that muslims are ignorant of their own religion, and need better instruction about it, or whether he means people outside the faith need clearer instruction about islam, the implication being that muslims would not be likely suspects since they would know about certain women being exempt..

VadimM said...

Remember out little discussion about Vlaams Belang?
Take a look at this interview, given by the leader of the party to the Israeli center-left newspaper Haaretz
If I had your email I'd send the link right to it., but since I don't, so I have to give it here in comments

Anonymous said...

Sorry, posted on the wrong thread
We need a general fund to pay for translations from French and to French:
1. To show that not all French people have surrendered.
Here is an example:
2. To make French people better understand the dynamics of US society

France is the anchoring country in Europe. If it falls, Europe is gone.
Sittingbull, de facto memeber of the Infedels Alliance

ziontruth said...

VadimM, thanks for that link, I may make use of it in a later post. It fits my view that the focus of Jewish monitor organizations like the ADL upon anti-Semitism from the Right is getting anachronistic and should be replaced with far greater focus on the anti-Semitism of the Left.

Pastorius said...

Zionist Youngster,

Here's a little trivia I think you will find interesting. IBA was started by myself and two British guys, J and Jonz, specifically because we were so pissed off at the ADL and their old-school focus. We agreed that all they do is do press releases, and we agreed that we could do the same without even having to raise money.

Obviously, our focus expanded from the original concept, but I still feel the same way. The world would be a better place if the ADL disappeared. Well, unless they get with the program.

VadimM said...

Zionistyoungster, Pastorius,
ADL does act obnoxious at times, sometimes they just piss me off, but I frankly don't know what to think of that statement by the leader of Vlaams Belang. I agree that the right now islam is the enemy of us all - Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Martians, Alpha-Centaurians, etc...but I simply can't process this "invitation" by Vlaams Belang. But then, I'm not Belgian, so I don't have to face the decision of whether to give them my vote, or not. I think I will give a few lines to it in my blog

ziontruth said...

I have a post in the works, about how groups like the ADL should change the way they work, for the good of us all. The model of the ADL is the first thing Muslims turn to when decrying "Islamophobia" - "We're battling Islamophobic defamation the same way ADL is fighting anti-Semitic defamation", goes the refrain. The "censorship in the guise of anti-defamation" model should be replaced by a new model of "opportunity to speak but on condition of giving the other side the right of responding on the same platform". For example, an article from the 9/11 conspiracy point of view should be allowed, but only alongside the opposing view in the same issue of the same publication.

In short: free speech that isn't a suicide pact.

Pastorius said...

I agree. You may have noticed I have an ongoing series of posts called, "Sometimes You Just Gotta Love Your Enemies," the tagline of which is, "You gotta love your enemy when they tell the truth.