Monday, October 16, 2006

Muslims Again Urged To Leave U.S. Before Attack

Earlier this month there were reports from journalist Hamid Mir that Muslims were being urged to leave the United States prior to a coming largescale Ramadan attack. Now, a new report pops up, this time from a different source:

Urgent news from Peshawar. The head of the Islamabad-based Al-Quds Media Center has received a message from a senior Taliban leader who calls upon all Muslims living in the United States to leave the country as soon as possible "because God's punishment will fall upon America in the month of Ramadan."

Jamal Ismail, a senior journalist at Al-Quds, received the call Thursday from Mulla Masoom Afghani. "Afghani said he was speaking from somewhere in the Kandahar province," Ismail said. "He read the message in Arabic, which I recorded. In it he advised Muslim residents of America to get out to escape harm because the United States could face big attacks in the month of Ramadan."

This is the second notice for Muslims to leave America. The first was issued to Hamid Mir, the only journalist to interview Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri in the wake of 9/11. Mir received the warning from Abu Dawood, the newly appointed commander of the al Qaeda forces in Afghanistan, who said:

Final preparations have been made for the American Hiroshima, a major attack on the U. S.
Muslims living in the United States should leave the country without further warning.


Epaminondas said...

I see barbed wire in the future


Anonymous said...

When we ( that story (Dr.Paul Williams received a call from Hamid Mir)we had scant support from the bloggers. Thankfully, "Gathering Storm" has been kind enough to lend us a hand in getting the message [about the dangers of Islam] out.

Mr.Gathering Storm will be interviewing Paul Williams soon, and hopefully Hamid as well.

We would appreciate the help of other anti-terror bloggers as well.,

Kol tuv,


Pastorius said...

I haven't gotten into the habit of reading your emails. I will from now on.

Sorry about that.

Thanks for the good work.

Anonymous said...


I spoke with Paul about coming on my show and unfortunately he is unavaible during that time period. I'll call you tomorrow and see if we can get someone from the Truth Forum.

Anonymous said...

Well, if they are going to do something they have about a week left. (Of course, had they intended to coordinate with the anniversary of the real Hiroshima they are about 2 months late. Can't these people count?) I question the intention of these get-out-of-Dodge warnings, since a sudden mass scuttling across the pond and the borders by Muslims would likely tip off even the complacent that something peculiar was going on. (Have there been any signs of an unusual increase in travel out of the country by Muslims?) Or is this more along the lines of a signal to the designated perpetrators? And are they so confident that their devices cannot be found that they are willing to tip off US security agencies by issuing these warnings?

Pastorius said...

Revere Rides Again,

I don't know what to make of these warnings. I post them only as information.

Pastorius said...

Heroic Dreamer,

I think you actually have probably hit the nail on the head. I think the terrorism lies in the statement itself.

Anonymous said...

According to those who follow the Paedophile Prophet, "believers" must be warned of an impending attack. That being said, we are not privy to the workings of the Jihadi "mind". They surely want to wait until they can out-do the attacks of 9-11-2001.....anything else would be anti-climatic.

Bin Laden waited to have Pakistani trained operatives in place before he launched the 9-11 attacks. He could have used sleepers within the US, and he was advised to do so, but he did not trust the training of our fifth column, so he waited.

We have Jihadis crossing the Mexican border on a regular basis. Newly released soldiers from the Pakistani military (and radical madrasses)are given automatic refugee status in the U.S. by virtue of their age...18 and younger. ICE transfers these trained Islamic warriors from "Southwest-Keys" faciities in Texas and Arizona to Catholic [USCCB] "Unaccompanied Refugee Minors Programme" in Chicago and Detroit.

Once again, U.S. agencies are being used to the Jihadi's advantage.