Monday, December 11, 2006

The War on Terror has ended?

The UK newspaper, The Observer, presents the following:
Cabinet ministers have been told by the Foreign Office to drop the phrase 'war on terror' and other terms seen as liable to anger British Muslims and increase tensions more broadly in the Islamic world.

The shift marks a turning point in British political thinking about the strategy against extremism and underlines the growing gulf between the British and American approaches to the continuing problem of radical Islamic militancy. It comes amid increasingly evident disagreements between President George Bush and Tony Blair over policy in the Middle East.

Article continues
Experts have welcomed the move away from one of the phrases that has most defined the debate on Islamic extremism, but called it 'belated'.

'It's about time,' said Garry Hindle, terrorism expert at the Royal United Services Institute in London. 'Military terminology is completely counter-productive, merely contributing to isolating communities. This is a very positive move.'

A Foreign Office spokesman said the government wanted to 'avoid reinforcing and giving succour to the terrorists' narrative by using language that, taken out of context, could be counter-productive'. The same message has been sent to British diplomats and official spokespeople around the world.

So the war has ended. We must do all not to offend the Muslim world and the Islamofascists. The degree of dhimmitude is astounding. The UK official line now corresponds with the line of El Beep (the BBC) and PC once more rules.

But we may rest assured, that even though the UK rendition will soon be enhanced to "What War on Terror? - no such thing has ever existed", the terrorists will take this as the victory it is.

I have long been surprised the Labour governments relatively harsh line on terror and the participation in Iraq. Obviously it has been owed mostly to one man: Mr. Blair. Now he is on the way out and the socialists (read defeatist apologists) are waiting to take over power.

I wonder when a large part of London becomes a pile of radioactive rubble whether the war will be reinstated or whether it will cause a complete surrender?

PS. Maybe I have now found another enemy worse than the Islamosfascists such as the leftist defeatist apologists, namely so called experts on terrorism.


Epaminondas said...

The money line.... avoid that which might be "liable to anger British Muslims".

Winnie is spinning.

There must be some people left there besides the BNP who are appalled.

Anonymous said...

Recommend interesting article over at on the urgency of educating the public, starting with the school system. File under "easier said than done" but he is absolutely right, this is crucial.

Pastorius said...

Well, if you think about it, the Home Office (which means Blair) has made this decision at the same time that he is stepping up his rhetoric against the veil and against those Muslims within his borders who do not wish to live according to British customs.

It seems that he has decided that his war is with the Muslims in his midst. Fact is, he is still at war in Iraq and to deny so is only to say, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."

Anonymous said...

Pastorius said,
"Well, if you think about it, the Home Office (which means Blair) has made this decision at the same time that he is stepping up his rhetoric against the veil and against those Muslims within his borders who do not wish to live according to British customs."

I thought I had noticed this pattern with Blair as well in the recent past. Appeasing the Muslims but also taking a harder line at the same time. (Appeasement)I think he is trying to keep another British attack from occurring while also trying to buy time to make up for the lead the jihadists have developed while continuing to build up and fight the "war on terror".


BTW, Von, Epa and Past, who would have thought things would have accelerated this fast since one year ago when we all started with the cartoon wars? The pace has been astounding to me! Good thing we (IBA, et al) got started when we did in order to not give them anymore of a lead than they already have. Still they seem to be almost at full speed and the west is still at walk. Up from a crawl.

Time to roll!!

Pastorius said...

Too bad we have so few readers.

von Schlichtningen said...

Pastorius and JMJ,

I hope you are right in your analysis about Mr. Blair. I have been fairly fond of Mr. Blair, as he has shown balls, where others have not.

However, he is on his way out. And the replacements will turn Britain towards the left. Appeasement, apologism and even defeatism are likely.

But, JMJ, at least somebody is keeping an eye out and the bloggers are now a voice not to be ignored anymore.