I admire the main cause of Paul Belien (yes, Virginia this all ends with a but). I admire his fortitude thru what the idiotic Belgian govt has put him thru. He seems to be fighting the good fight for the right things.
So what is this about?
But now there are those firing bolts back and forth across the Atlantic, including him in this goop melange of truth and fiction, of fascist heritage and racial discrimination, of deniers, and genocide, of defense of liberal western values, of wedges between america and her allies, and of nationalism, and racism, of borders and security and WHAT?
This surprise, but not, issue has raised it's very ugly head when Vlams Belang which seemed to me to be defending western values (whatever that means IS the issue, BTW) was rapped by a racist, neo nazi claim.
There is no doubt that their heritage looks to be that, and what they are now, in terms of individuals is at best a very serious question. Serious enough that they should, selflessly, if they are innocent and truly concerned, like Thomas Eagleton, step out of the way. BNP is another story and is past contamination as is truly on the other side. I will never pal up with them under any circumstances. What they are defending is not anything I value, not even peripherally.
In Europe we have "nationalists" who are essentially defending ethnic purity, and NOT values. We also have nationalists defending liberal western values, like the Bill of Rights.
Here we have men like Tom Tancredo, valuable honest, and defending SECURE BORDERS, tainted by things like this. Now I just don't buy that Tancredo is for a secure border because he thinks Mexicans not white enough to get across the border. IS THAT the confusion over Vlams Belang? Well we don't have pix of Tancredo with white power symbols in his home, 'paling up' with the CCC repeatedly, and other indicators, such as those we saw with the senator from Mississippi, Mr.Lott that differentiated him from us when the stupid Strom Thurmond birthday party burst over us.
Then comes Mr. Belien today with a somewhat ignorant of american minutiae (that's okay, believe me I'm sure I can't place Belgium politicians in the full spectrum of left to right either) defending himself somewhat and others a bit more forcefully in the racist claim counterclaim, and suddenly comes a money line of a Freudian moment (???) ....
The diminishing future of ethnic Euros everywhere is at stake,.....
Sorry, Paul, but I DON'T GIVE SHIT ABOUT ETHNIC EURO'S.I never did. I never will.
I care about the folks who want the PEOPLE to be sovereign, not some book. I don;t care if those people who defend my individual right to bear arms, and tell everyone to go to hell, are WHAT SOME WOULD CALL MUSLIMS, or SHINTO, or ZULU.If other ethnicities will benefit america (and THEY FREAKING DO)..I am all for it, as long as they BUY INTO THE PROGRAM. Written in 1789 and amended at our pleasure.
Shockingly, I would have to say that line says for you, defending the position of ETHNIC EURO'S is a western value. I'm not going to defend Theo Van Gogh because he is a European ethnic, and he was defending his ethnicity by whacking Islam's intolerance.
Maybe defending the position of ETHNIC EURO'S in a growing deluge of other cultured and colored muslims is a western value, but it is NOT an american one, unless of course you are a member of the CCC
Do I have this all wrong? This is highly disappointing from Mr Belien.
This argument is sapping. These other forces such as Vlams Belang, BNP should SLINK away, reorganize, make penance without question, hesitation or equivocation, and quietly get out from under the weight of the past, if it is possible. They can contribute in their present form, and heritage ONLY NEGATIVE ENERGY
There is no time left for the regrouping you advocate. Unless something is done very soon to stop and reverse the barbarian invasion, my country will be turned into an Islamic shithole and my children and grandchildren enslaved.
The BNP are the only organised political movement in the English-speaking world who know how to deal with Muslims. The rest of the political establishment in Britain is irremediably corrupt and dhimmified. (As I suspect it is in the USA)
Survival is a stake. The problem is urgent.
Or if there is, please could you name it?
The BNP is NOT survival.
I will simply never choose the KKK. That's WHAT THEY ARE. And YOU are trying to convince people they are the way, and the answer.
The rationalization you offer is EXACTLY that of Putzi Hanfstaengl, an american.
I would rather see this entire planet ablaze before submitting to such a choice.
Disgusting racists will ONLY find me in armed opposition.
This is unbelievable. This stuff is forcing me to question the ENTIRE MOVEMENT.
Questioning the entire movement?
Not me. It's pretty clear to me that the Islamists are a very dangerous breed of fascists, and we need to get them out of our countries.
I have no doubt, Pasto, but I'm wondering WHO is egalitarian in it?
How many are willing to swallow the cancer of racism in order to cure the pestilence of jihadism?
It is the 'how many' I am wondering over. If there are enough, then the anti jihadi movement becomes one defined by race. Americans will in the end fail to be moved by the movement if that is the case.
I don't require allies to be stainless, I do however require them to recognize that defending ethnic identity is just one step in this process of theirs - THE REAL GOAL. Anti jihadism is just one means of maintaining the ethnic identity.
It is PRECISELY race they are using to discriminate.
Precisely. Unabashedly. With 'reason'.
But if Turks were white and descended from the royalty of Anjou, I don't think there'd be a problem. There is something inherently wrong in that.
Everything that made america what it is, as an ideal, is everything this movement in europe is against. Everything that makes america the goal for the oppressed and poor in this world, is everything these guys DON'T WANT.
They just sound prettier about it that the David Dukes. They don't talk about lynching.
Belien defends the 'norwegians' right to have norway remain norsk by eliminating non-norsk immigration or participation. Whatever
You know what? That IS their right, It's their country. But what does that make them? Our nation, our race, our people. Ein Volk, eh?
This is our discussion of racists hiding among the secure border people writ large.
In the end what difference between what Belien is laying out, and the CCC deciding that to defend american national identity, and ethnicity, all the latinos, and phllipinos, and other asians must go back? I mean, it WAS founded as a white, christian english speaking democracy, RIGHT?
Yeah, I understand what you're saying.
How many are willing to swallow the cancer of racism in order to cure the pestilence of jihadism?
It is the 'how many' I am wondering over. If there are enough, then the anti jihadi movement becomes one defined by race. Americans will in the end fail to be moved by the movement if that is the case.
I agree. Big problem, I'm afraid. At least, one that I'm thinking about much of the time.
Well it looks like it was busy night over at the other thread....I can still smell the gun powder. I invite anyone interested to come on over and spend a year over this side and really see what's going on....cause I am weary.
Watcher 71,
Which other thread?
The Blog Wars: More Sowing The Wind.
Najistani said:"THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE TO THE BNP.Or if there is, please could you name it?"
I notice no-one has!
It's certainly not 'Uncle Sam' if this blog is anything to go by.
Since when were Vlaams Belang and the BNP standing in the way of your opposition to Islam, IBA?
Watcher 7-year-old may have the answer. We're all ears, BOY!
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