Monday, February 04, 2008

Censorship In Action

In my previous posting "British Police Assist Murder" on my CommonSense site there was comment on a report published by the Daily Mail by the think tank Social Cohesion. It seems that the article in the Daily Mail was censored because it has now been removed in it's entirety.

The BBC (link now gone) has a watered down version, but there is no mention of Muslim police officers and local government workers assisting fellow Muslims to murder in so called honour killings. And it is a serious business the Metropolitan Police are investigating 200 deaths linked to honour killings.

That might seem a bit over the top but believe me if Muslim women flee a marriage their lives are in danger and the police and jobcentre collaborators know it. So yes, they ARE assisting in a murder and the true figure is likely to be many more than the dozen or so murders so far admitted.

So, was the Daily Mail making the story up? After all the Telegraph and the BBC (link gone) said none of that, only a watered down version. Well, actually no, they were not. The Social Cohesion website has a PDF download of the report for all to see and they write of police - of immigrant persuasion, and that means Muslim - and local government workers all revealing the whereabouts of Muslim women fleeing from husbands and family.

The Daily Mail beefed the article up with further interviews. Here is what the report from Social Cohesion said:

In many cases, women fleeing domestic violence or forced marriages have been deliberately returned to their homes or betrayed to their families by policemen, councillors and civil servants of immigrant origin. page 102

We have a case where we moved a girl from eight refuges and still her husband found her - even though she had changed her national Insurance number. There are people in the council and in government offices who help communities find girls who have gone missing. leaking confidential information from state organisations is quite common. Page 103

It's a good thing us bloggers record these things in this age of censorship and I for one challenge the authorities to try to shut me up. I for one know there's a whole blogosphere out there and blogging is now a force to be reckoned with.

Hat Tip to Up Pompeii

(cross posted with CommonSense)


Anonymous said...

Not only has the original Daily Mail article dissappeared from

But the BNP article reporting it's disappearance has also disappeared from

Maybe we ought to download and save that PDF before the Ministry of Truth find it!

Anonymous said...

The only reason we are familiar with the depravity and depth of infiltration is because of blogs.

But it may not remain that way. In the US there is growing consideration for laws concerning "Thought crimes".

It looks like the term “thought police” just might take on a whole new and real meaning. This depends on what happens in the U.S. Senate after receiving House bill H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007. This act (now S-1959 – Senate version) is now being considered by Senate committees and, if passed by the Senate and signed by the president, will become law. Common sense would indicate that something this vague and dangerous would not make it out of committee, but considering that the House passed it on October 23 with 404 ayes, 6 nays, and 22 present/not voting, I’m not holding my breath.

Anonymous said...

Geez, everything is getting flushed down the memory hole. Maybe it is time for Christians to be doing what Christians do best. Flaunt unjust laws and begin to set up completely anonymous underground railways to help these women disappear utterly. Without social services, without any muslim interference. It is hard with so many muslim-only areas, but what are we going to do to help these unfortunates out?

Anonymous said...

I agree, the Christian churches are the only institutions in Britain which are still reliably Muslimrein (though I have my doubts about some of the more dhimmified Anglicans). If the churches can't help these poor women and girls then nobody can.

It isn't true that all aspects of Christianity are declining in the UK. The Pentecostals are growing and the Catholic church has benefitted from a massive influx of Poles.

As for the Muslims in the Police and government agencies, isn't the Official Secrets Act still in operation? A witchhunt should be carried out and the culprits given exemplary sentences.