Wednesday, November 12, 2008

End of Bailout Patience .. Manufacturing vehicles as we do now CANNOT SUCCEED

The republican party should absolutely oppose ANY FURTHER BAILOUTS

Specifically they should oppose any monies for Ford/GM/Chrysler NOT because it is against free market principles, but because it won't work.

Next month, next year, 2010 there will be more needed.

It is impossible to use the current structure of unionized guarantees, moronic and irresponsible execs, health packages and retirement and make a profit manufacturing small, hybrid, fuel efficient cars.

Sure they can do it with larger margin LARGER vehicles, but in the place we have to get to, CAFE standards force a profitless life on American manufacturers. Funny how Nissan and Toyota can do it here, though isn't it?
auto on empty.gif
Let them go bankrupt and continue to operate while an entirely new structure is made which takes into cognizance that in order to provide some level of benefits to retired and working people the manufacturers have to be IN BUSINESS, and they have to be there without govt paying off the bills for their children in a rescue every 1-5 years or more.

The republicans need to make this argument as being IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKERS in the auto and all support industries.

Capital is a force of nature like water, and no human or group of humans can make it run uphill. Yet.

This nation among its other problems now finds the auto industry where all of Britain was a generation ago, BROKEN by unions, and fear of opposing what is in the accepted 'interest of the working people'. That pendulum has simply swung too far, and workers recognition of that long term threat to long term jobs is precisely why union demands that organizing votes be PUBLIC and therefore ultimately intimidating to individuals.

While we can all point to the galactically stupid and greedy AIG morons is there anyone who doubts this same finger points just as accurately at the Union execs?

Nor are GM, Ford or Chrysler execs exempt ... from 2004
GM: Hybrid cars make no sense
GM executive Lutz argues critically acclaimed hybrid compacts like Toyota Prius are bad business.

Is that what should be rewarded with scores of billions?

A good rule in war is never reinforce defeat.

This is war on stupidity.

Stupidity is winning


christian soldier said...

Micheal - as always- I enjoy your illustrative take --
Your are a PRIZE winner for a reason...
Micheal Ramirez..IBD....

christian soldier said...

RE: I'm referring to the illustration of the empty gas gauge...

Pastorius said...

I agree. Unions are a thing of the past, and engineering needs to be streamlined. Additionally, the concept of the automobile as lifestyle choice needs to be rethought. I think manufacterers have to start thinking in terms of building for affordability.

Look at how many new cool American cars have come out in the past few years, the Chrsler 300, the Dodge Charger, the Chrysler PT Cruiser, the Ford Thunderbird, etc.

and still they can't make money?

That means their business model is wrong.

The barrier to entry needs to be lowered in this business, because the whole industry is sick and new minds need to be given a chance.