"The people just ran away from the quick attack.. and nobody took anything with him, food or cover or anything. Women, children and old people were gathering inside the mountains, just eating the trees like animals.. Today I say Israel is my home." (Hat tip: Israeli Girl/G.I.Y.U.S.)Learn More:
1. UN to Darfur: These people can’t stay in camps forever
The U.N. humanitarian chief warned Tuesday that international aid for millions of Darfur residents can not go on indefinitely and said the Sudanese government and rebels must negotiate a solution that would allow the displaced to return home.2. Sudanese immigrants, Christian & Dark-skinned, Face Racism, Violence from Egyptians
“People are not dying of starvation,” he said. But “the problem is that people have been in camps for four or five years now,” he told reporters. “We need to find some solutions quickly so we don’t have to go on doing this indefinitely,” Holmes added.
Now, if only the Darfurians can convince the UN that Israel is really behind their problems. Then the UN would fund them indefinitely.
3. "These are not men- they are animals": Egyptians "lynch" 4 Sudanese trying to cross border to freedom in Israel.
4. Darfur Refugees learning Hebrew in Arad
5. Sudanese refugees in Israel (video)
6. Israel Creating Unnecessary Drama- Zionists "Trying to Damage Sudan's International Reputation"
7. African and Islamic States Support Sudan’s Call to End UN Rights Investigation
8. Arabs Capture Black Slaves In The Sudan
9. Appeasement in Darfur
10. How The Left Embraced The Genocide In Darfur
11. Why Iran and Hamas Adore Darfur's Genocidal Dictator
12. China, Russia faulted for Sudan arms sales
13. What is China doing in Darfur?
Related Video- "Neighborhood Bully"
"Ingenuity, creativity, and guts have sustained this People longer than any other identifiable group of people in existence today.More Resources:
The only thing that may have outdone this is their sensitivity to needs of others.
After lengthy research, the amount of material uncovered attesting to the generosity and deep feelings of love for their fellow man, is staggering - much more than could ever be stuffed into 1 video on YouTube.
So here, with the help of Bob Dylan and his Neighborhood Bully, is an attempt to show what cannot even be described as the "tip of the iceberg."
Who would have thought that such a small country, bound with so many problems of its own would have time to even think about problems of others, let alone actually be permanently organized to specifically be on hand when emergency assistance is needed.
Is there any other country in the world that can show such a "resume'"? The funny thing is (am not sure that is the right word) that they do not ask for anything in return - only respect as human beings - and even that, sad to say, is too much.
Even the numerous countries that this "Bully" has selflessly raced to provide with humanitarian aid in times of chaotic turmoil and strife, fail to speak up in public on Her behalf.
What a strange phenomenon . . .
Russia, Mexico, Ecuador, Turkey, Greece, Chile, Kenya, El Salvador, Sri Lanka, and many others - all recipients of vital emergency assistance from the "Neighborhood Bully" - it must be supposed that they simply wish not to upset the well established myth, born of lies and deceit successfully creating (as was/is the purpose) in the eyes of the world, the image that is known as the "Neighborhood Bully."
1. Genocide Intervention Network - Have a Hand in Stopping Genocide
2. DarfurScores.org - Calling on Congress to Take Action
3. Sudan Watch
4. Newsvine Links Aggregator: Darfur, Israel, More videos.
(Cross-posted on A Deeper Look)
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