Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hate Crimes Against Muslims In America

The total number of "hate crimes" committed in 2007 was 7,624. Of that number the following statistics were compiled on crimes whose origin was determined to be based on religious bigotry:

Religion: 1,400 total

Here's how it breaks down:

Anti-Jewish 969
Anti-Catholic 61
Anti-Protestant 57
Anti-Islamic 115
Anti-Other Religion 130
Anti-Multiple Religions, Group 62
Anti-Atheism/Agnosticism/etc. 6


I found this data in this article: CAIR Slapped Down Again - FBI "Hate Crime" Data Proves Islamophobia Almost Entirely Nonexistent


Always On Watch said...

A recent case at Elmhurst College

CAIR finally took down the link, several days after the fraud was exposed.

Citizen Warrior said...

I thought this FBI finding really exposed the fact that the whole "we are oppressed" bullshit is just the stand Muslims take in the world. It's the stand Mohammad took, and they are just following his example. He would be an annoying pest, constantly harassing people and insulting their religions and then when people didn't like that, he took their hostile response as "oppression" and "persecution," which of course justified raiding their caravans, killing them, stealing all their stuff, and enslaving their women and children.

Jihad driving force is the feeling of oppression and persecution.

I subscribe to the CAIR newsletter, and their whole tone in every issue is "we must fight against the oppression." They give the impression that Muslims are under siege (quite unfairly of course) and that Muslims everywhere must fight for Islam.

My own feeling when I read the CAIR newsletters is: It's all bullshit. People in the free world are bending over backwards to avoid offending Muslims, and yet ever single slight is blown way out of proportion to bolster their view of themselves as "oppressed."

The FBI report confirms my suspicions.

Pastorius said...

They are under ideological siege from people like us.

Where else on Earth do you read so many negative comments about a group of people and its religion.

Of course, they would like to have criticism of their religion and the behavior of people who practice it to be declared be "hate crime", If they were able to succeed at that, then there would be millions of "hate crimes" against Muslims every day.


Citizen Warrior said...

Pastorius, if they succeed in doing that, they will have to deal with more than hate crimes.