Thursday, November 06, 2008

The KILL Sarah Palin movement among unemployed campaign aides IS DISGUSTING

When Mrs. Palin came to Bangor in October and 20% of the population showed up, overwhelming security, who simply gave up, something switched on in that overflow crowd, many of whom had no way to see. The number of people was far in excess of any estimate the local repubs had made, you see.

When she appeared and CONNECTED, my observation was that it was ELECTRIC. She owned that mike, that stage that moment. She talked right to people. It was no 'address'. We had heard most of the stump speech in parts, of course, but she diverted plenty speak to THAT crowd.

In fact the last time I saw a crowd that size worked like it was.....
as he clasped our hands with both of his, and spoke to us, like the daddy of the bride at some wedding in 2000.

People like Sarah Palin because SHE IS REAL.

Once chosen McCain's people needed to get OUT OF THE WAY. They picked unorthodox, and they should have lived with it.

Now they are telling us that she didn't know if Africa was a nation or a continent? No what they are really telling us is that John McCain is so incompetent he picks morons.

Now these aides are telling us they are upset because when they showed up at a hotel to get her, she was stepping out of the shower in her robe? No, they are telling us they are prudish ultra WASP snobs who in the immortal words of Gus Portolakos are like dry toast. UNFIT to connect with actual humans who live actual lives.

It gets worse with complaints about shopping, and diva, and temper...UGH

And Mrs. Palin?

Refuses to comment on gossip spread by unnamed sources and "small, bitter" people saying "foolish things"...on relationship with McCain: No tension. "I love him...I honor him."

Responding to a question on whether she has any "hurt feelings," Palin laughs cheerfully. "This is politics! Of course not. It's rough and tumble and you've got to have a thick skin just like I've got."

Well, I'd be handing out heads, but then, I don't play well with others, I suppose.

To Sarah though, perhaps it's best served cold. I like habaneros.


Anonymous said...


Get rid of those fucking "open" primaries that allowed Democrats to cross-over and deliver McCain as our candidate.

It appears that Palin was a threatening presence to the old Rhino pecking order.

Ace states:

A poster at Hot Air just raised a good point about the McCain staff smear thing: this is a guy who instantly went on the attack against his own party when they brought up Jeremiah Wright as an issue, but won't go to bat while his veep choice gets attacked by people who worked for him.
McCain has always felt "dishonorable" when taking the side of Republicans. This is, I think, why he would not call Obama and the Democrats out on Fannie Mae/CRA: Because to do so would have put him firmly on the side of his fellow Republicans.

However, this comment shows later:

There's a reason why McCain couldn't go after the Freddie/Fannie thing any more than he did.

Rick Davis ran an organization that was a PR front for Fannie and Freddie. He made $30,000 a month doing basically nothing but putting ads in newspapers. After that folded, Freddie Mac kept his firm on the payroll, just to have access to McCain. The New York Times ran the story immediately when McCain ran the ads attacking Frank Raines and Jim Johnson. McCain had to drop it or end up making Rick Davis the issue in the middle of the campaign.

McCain filled his campaign with lobbyists. That was the first and biggest mistake he made.

Palin brought to his campaign interest, visibility, money, volunteers, fight, passion, and the only freakin' chance to get within reach of the Presidency. Who drew crowds? Palin. Who connected with regular voters? Palin. Who reinforced the platform of reform and real change? Palin.

McCain OWES it to her to defend her not now but yesterday. The report (as I understand it but that could be yet another smear) that he would not let her speak at the concession speech because his staff didn't want her to is a sad reflection of his leadership. The campaign was over and he still listened to his handlers advice? Ridiculous.
It's the non-con careerist shits with pretentions sneering at the flyover girl who -- GASP! -- actually believes in stuff. (Not God but... Winning. Public service. Could you believe her naivete!)
Must be some sort of combination of the hatred and terror they feel in her presence. After all, back in her home state they were the exact sort that she brought low once she rose to prominence. They don't want to risk seeing that level of housecleaning on the national stage; therefore they must do all within their feeble, flailing power to ensure that she does not return.

This is an extraordinary, welcome opportunity to draw distinctions between RINOs and conservative Republicans - an opportunity that we would not have had if McCain had somehow won the election. Don't get me wrong. I'd have preferred the lesser evil of a McCain presidency to the greater evil of an Obama one. But since that's off the table, we have a chance to finally rid the party of these back-stabbing, politically spineless losers.

Let McCain be McCain, indeed, and he and the rest of the reach-across-the-aisle folks can take a walk. Now that the election's over, I'm done holding my nose.

Epaminondas said...

The really interesting thing is that these "advisers" imagined that they could GAIN SOMETHING with these slimy little 'revelations'.

How utterly they have misjudged their ultimate clientèle.

They expected to advise McCain to a victory?

Over Axelrod?

Ken Adelman made a case for Obama out of competency.

Sadly, now we can see the merits of his point, even if ultimately his case was in error.

Always On Watch said...

The slam-Palin tactics will backfire.

Are these tactics disgusting? Absolutely! And sour grapes too. Palin galvanized the GOP ticket.