Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Now What?

It's not official, but it appears like Obama has effectively become President Elect of the United States of America - The only nation who for the past 8 years has taken the lead in the war against Islamic terrorism.

Now what?

Will this teach us, in this Alliance, to support more fully those politicans and leaders who have a proven record against Radical Islam?!

Obama will attempt to erase language that labels a religion "radical", he will waffle on choosing between good and bad through his own culturcidal adhererance to relativism and multiculturalism.

He will "talk" to these people, make deals, and cover his eyes concerning any problems. You know? Just like the decade of the '90s when that little 9-11 event was planned?



Damien said...


Now what, you ask?
support him when he does the right thing, oppose him when he does the wrong thing. What else can we do. He's our president now. Obama may not be the best person for president, but the check and balances remain in place. That alone will keep him from getting everything he wants.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the check and balances of a further strengthened one-party democratic rule in both houses of congress..forgive me if i am not completely satisfied with that...

but i also ask NOW WHAT overall, not just for the election of a president... but i ask what else we in the IBLOGA can do, we talk and talk and talk but I think we need to reach out and support more of those who fight along our side through the electoral process...

besides with the fairness doctrine beginning to raise its specter, we may have to even fear our voices being supressed

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the check and balances of a further strengthened one-party democratic rule in both houses of congress..forgive me if i am not completely satisfied with that...

but i also ask NOW WHAT overall, not just for the election of a president... but i ask what else we in the IBLOGA can do, we talk and talk and talk but I think we need to reach out and support more of those who fight along our side through the electoral process...

besides with the fairness doctrine beginning to raise its specter, we may have to even fear our voices being supressed

Damien said...


I'm being a realist. Even the most liberal democrats may not always go alone with Obama, if they think it might keep them from getting reelected.

You think we should oppose the Fairness Doctrine and other attempts to suppress free speech? I couldn't agree with you more. Lets do everything we can to support our free speech rights.

He may not turn out to be a good president, in fact I have a horrible feeling he will turn out to be one of our worst, but we can't just go around pretending that Obama is not our president either. I know how you feel, but I don't think we are about to turn into a dictatorship, and maybe, just maybe, Obama will fail to get elected to a second term. If he messes up badly enough, he could lose in a landslide, and be a one term president like Jimmy Carter. Even before that, many of his supports might morph into opponents and wonder what got into them.

Anonymous said...

Oh I agree, Damien. He is MY President. I won't take that ridiculous route of the Left in declaring Bush NOT MY PRESIDENT,f or example.

Pastorius said...

Well put, Damien. The checks and balances of the American system, and the gunk in the gears of the American political machine, may keep Obama from effecting the kind of Change he would like.

I am in agreement with you also on the idea that it would be awfully hard for Obama to turn America into a dictatorship.

Obama has shown totalitarian tendencies, but to actually tame a beast like America is not so easy. Good luck to him if he tries.

Yes, Obama is MY President too. He is our President. He will be the President of the United States of America. Let's hope he will be a good one. FDR was a good President, and I don't imagine many of you would like him if you lived during his time.

Anonymous said...

FDRs legacy was made because of WWII, not his economic policies. The Dem Party likes to believe it was his New Deal that solved things, but we're still paying for it today.

By my count this is the second Second Great Depression like period we've been in in the past 4 years. Kerry spoke of one in 2004 and now Obama has effectively one in 2008 in another Great Depression. How many Great Depressions can we possibly have? And so when do they not become GREAT anymore? lol

Damien said...


You said,
Obama has shown totalitarian tendencies, but to actually tame a beast like America is not so easy. Good luck to him if he tries.

Good luck to him if he tries? No, lets bash him if he tries, and make doubly sure he doesn't get reelected. Lets make it as hard for him to turn America into his socialist "utopia" as possible.

Anonymous said...

BTW, I never said he would be a dictator. My concerns are directly related to his weakness VERSUS radical Islam, and how his "nuances" as the media terms it, relates to his strong foundation in cultural relativism and multiculturalism, which are the recipes to a losing war against Radical Islam.

Damien said...


I agree with you. I doubt that he will become a dictator and my biggest concern with him is that I think he will be too soft on our enemies. I'm a afraid that Obama will be a Neville Chamberlain. I'm afraid that he will take us out of Iraq without wining and will try to appease Iran and the rest of the Islamic world. I fear for our country, not because I think Obama is going to turn America into a dictatorship, but because I fear, that without intending to do so, he will encourage out enemies and make us more vulnerable to another terrorist attack.

Citizen Warrior said...

SPP, you said, "I think we need to reach out and support more of those who fight along our side through the electoral process..."

What do you mean exactly?

Pastorius said...

You said that by your count this is the "second great Depression like period we have had in the past four years".

Heh. True.

The Democrats thrive on class warfare. If they can convince the American people that we are in trouble, even when we aren't, then they see it as an open door to more government as solution.

The most laughable thing about Obama's speech last night, the weakest moment, was when he commented that we were in the midst of the worst economic downturn of the last 100 years.

Really? I think he must have forgotten about the Great Depression. And, having lived through it, I think the Carter years were worse than this as well. Stagflation, 18% interest rates, and 12-14% inflation and 9-10% unemployment, yes, I think that was worse than what we are experiencing now.

SamenoKami said...

Pastorius, using the '80s definition of inflation, it is 12% now 5Nov08 and using 1930s definition of unemployment, it is 15%. Inflation since 1970 is over 600%. The $ has lost 97+% of its 1930 purchasing power.
Our masters keep cooking the #s.

My Carter yrs were not worse than this - taxes were way lower, energy was way cheaper, there were no derivatives (to the tune of $1000 trillion) and the resulting crashes, the gov't was way more limited.

I'll take a wait and see attitude on what Obama does/will do. My fear is the Dems will rig the system in order to never lose control again and will punish the US for twice electing Bush the younger.

As I tho't on comments saying 'my president' I realized I've never used that phrase. I've always said 'the president.' As in - 'He may be an idiot, but he's 'the president.'

Pastorius said...

That sounds reasonable to me.

Can you tell me how it is you figure that unemployment is 15%?

Are you figuring in the fact that the work force now, almost entirely, consists of not only men, but women too?

I have to wonder if the numbers you are discussing are cooked to some extent as well. It's very hard to compare apples and oranges.

I can tell you this, I grew up eating Hamburger Helper, because WE HAD TO STRETCH OUT THE LITTLE BIT OF MEAT WE COULD AFFORD.

I haven't eaten like that since I was a kid. I eat well now, even when things aren't so good, like now.

What do you oranges look like now, and what did your apples look like back in the 70's?

SamenoKami said...

The 15% unemployment I read somewhere. The writer took the
1930s definition and calculated using current data. I'll try to find the supporting evidence and hope it isn't too nutty.

The inflation #s took the
80s CPI 'basket of goods' and used current data to calculate. You should notice today that prices certainly don't feel like 5.6% inflation which the gov't will admit. The gov't calculates inflation using nebulous terms to cook the books. They leave out food and energy, which incidently I need everyday, and include refrigerators which I buy once every twenty years.

I remember when hamburger helper came out during Nixon's (the idiot) price controls.

Apples and oranges were in better/as good quality as today and had the great added taste of unregulated pesticides to boot.

Let me see what I can find that isn't loon-writing.

Pastorius said...

Yes, it is clear to me that inflation has been very high the past two or three years.

SamenoKami said...

I didn't link this site (no computer skills.) The site talks about 15% unemployment. It is listed as the 'socialist worker' and maybe we can start early and get used to it. I think the argument and #s are correct even tho' a commie wrote it.

I cut/pasted this:
The current numbers include the following groups as "employed", which were counted as unemployed during the 1930s:
6.1 million who are currently working part-time while seeking full-time employment, because they can't find a full-time job but don't have unemployment benefits.
1.6 million are currently "employed" because they have not actively looked for a job in the last month.
When these two categories aren't included in the "employed" category, it changes the numbers to: 137.6 million employed out of a work force of 154.7 million.
That means that the unemployment rate, as calculated during the 1930s, would currently be 11%, about the same as it was during the late 1930s.

Someone could use this and recheck the calculations.

I'm still looking for the inflation #s.

Pastorius said...

I believe there are a lot of "marginally employed" people out there.

I guess marginally employed people would be people who are not full-time, or people who work jobs at places like Wal-Mart, when they may have had full-time high-salaried positions at other times in their lives.

This isn't the Great Depression though.

First, let us remember that, not only have we taken on a tremendous amount of immigrants in the past thirty years, but we have also added countless women to the workforce. In years past, one income sufficed to meet people's needs. Now, people feel they have more needs.

Also, more people go to college now (especially women) and they come out of college believing they should not have to work at Wal-Mart, hence they believe they are "marginally employed."

However, as I am a product of the California State University system, I can vouch for the fact that any old idiot can get a college degree. I used to joke that the Motto of my school was, "Is this going to be on the test?"

People who ask that question should probably not be going to college, and yet that was of primary importance to MOST of the students I was in class with.

Maybe people like that should be marginally employed. In years past, people like that would not have gone to college. Instead, they would have graduated high school, and then worked on an assembly line. Now, they will refuse to do that, and curse the government for their bad fortune.

Frankly, they can fuck themselves. They are useless people, who have made themselves useless.

Look, I know people who are not well-educated, who came here to this country with nothing, and who are worth tens of millions of dollars. And, they did it all without a sense of entitlement. They did it by working hard and taking BIG risks.

That's America. America is not people whining about the government not providing jobs. Fuck the government. Create something you dumb fucks.