Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pride Goeth Before A Fall

I haven't yet opened my copy of Time Magazine, dated November 24, 2008. You can read that edition online HERE.

Below is the cover:

I wonder what cover design Time will use for the Christmas edition?


Damien said...

Always On Watch,

Pride Goeth Before A Fall. Oh yes it does. Lets hope his fall comes in four years, not eight.

Always On Watch said...

Also, I imagine that Time is very proud of that cover design. And subscriptions are down, too, not as a direct result -- yet.

rider said...

socialism is the same -whether it be the word 'change' or the words 'new deal'....

Anonymous said...

And they say that the Republicans are stuck in an idealized past.

Damien said...

James McEnanly,

Truth is that I think FDR had some beliefs and values that might shock modern progressives.

Epaminondas said...

FDR would be, today, not just "out of touch", he would be thought of as a xenophobic war criminal.

He conducted private spy missions via his rich friends, because he didn't trust state or want to reveal his actions to congress (a DEMOCRATIC congress)

He tried to change the Supreme court to 13 justices so he could do what he wanted

He manipulated the neutrality act to DEFY it and congress and act illegally to support other nations

He concocted a detention camp scheme so obnoxious his own Attorney General (Robert Jackson- who ended up as chief prosecutor at Nuremberg and the Supreme Court Justice) refused to implement it.

He unstintingly supported Latin American dictators who supported him and or the USA.

Oh and BTW was certainly one of the 5 greatest presidents we ever had.

Maybe the greatest.