I found this while checking my references. It's a pretty handy little resource guide for bloggers. I recommend that you bookmark it.
The Religion of Peace™
Subject Index
- later violent commands cancel early peaceful ones AB1, AB2,
- God or ...? AL1, AL2 , AL3, AL4
- they'll kill you if you try to leave their death-cult APO1 , AP02, APO3
- giving in to demands makes them more aggressive AP1, CEJ6 , AP2
Buddhists, attacks on BU1, BU2, BU3, BU4, BU5 , BU6, BU7, HI5
- Cambridge University cartoon dhimmitude CA1, CA2
- Danish cartoons CA5
- extremely irreverent cartoons CA3
- Toonophobia CA4
Censorship jihad
- gagging criticism of Islam CEJ1. CEJ6, CEJ7, CEJ8 , CEJ10, CEJ11, CEJ12,
- Shooting the messenger:
- - undercover mosque CEJ2
- - Geert Wilders CEJ3, CEJ4, CEJ5
- United Nations to outlaw criticism of Islam CEJ9
- attacks on CHR1, CHR4, CHR5, CHR6, CHR7
- Christmas market attack CHR3
- torture and mutilation in modern Turkey CHR2
Contamination jihad (contaminating food fed to infidels)
- feces CJ1
- human remains CJ3, CJ4
- urine CJ2
- compares Islam to rabies CH1
Corruption Jihad
- immigration CRJ3
- medical profession CRJ2
- police CRJ1
Cult - Islam has all the characteristic of a mind-control cult CU1
Cultural Jihad HU6
- cultural envy CLJ2, CLJ3
- destruction of non-Muslim culture CLJ1, CLJ4, CLJ5, CLJ6, CLJ7, CLJ8
Dar al-Harb
- the West as the 'Domain of War' justifies terrorism DAH1, DAH2, DAH3, DAH4
Deception an essential method of spreading Islam
- Taqiyya, holy lies TA1, TA2, TA3
Demographic jihad
- Muslim baby boom time-bomb DJ2, DJ3, DJ5, DJ6
- Muslims urged to outbreed us DJ1
- polygamy legalised in West DJ8 DJ4 DJ7
Dhimmitude DH1, DH2, DH3, DH4, DH5
Economic jihad
- the huge cost of Islamic immigration EJ1
- Islamic propaganda in schools
- - America EE2
- - England EE1
- Islamic propaganda in universities
- - abject dhimmitude at Cambridge CC1, CC2
Female Genital Mutilation FGM1
Golden Rule
- the only religion that ignores the Golden Rule GR1, GR2
Honor/Shame culture HS1, HS2, HS3, HU7
- attacks on HI1, HI2, HI3, HI4, HI5
Human Sacrifice
- a sacred Islamic ritual HS1 , HS2
- importance of 'humiliation' HU1, HU6,
- punish and humiliate the Kuffar HU2
- ghairat, ghaira, izza, izzat - fragile egos HU7
- humiliation of Islam and Allah by mockery HU3, HU4, HU5
Inbreeding and cousin marriage
- genetic defects IB1 , IB2, IB3, IB4
- corruption of society IB5, IB6
Infiltration and Subversion IS1 , IS2, IS3, IS4
Islamic Awareness
- know your enemy IA1, IA2,
Islamic Inventions and Innovations
- lack of II1, II2,
- Nobel prize winners, lack of II3
Islamophobia IP1,
Jews, attacks on JE1, JE2,
- extermination of Jews a religious duty JE3
- Multi-pronged attack JI1
Jizya - the tax on infidels JZ1, JZ2
- contradictions KO1
- infidels not allowed to touch KO7
- Mohammed's sadistic fantasies KO9
- origins KO5 ,KO6, KO8
- Rushdie's parody KO3
- Satanic verses and Allah's daughters KO2
- toilet hate-crime KO4
Litigation jihad
- sue whenever offended LJ1
Lord Ahmed
- attempts to remove Salman Rushdie's protection LA1
- alleged threats to Parliament LA2
- Islam as a meme or mind-virus ME1 , ME2
Meteorite worship MT1, MT2, MT3
- criminality MO3
- necrophile MO2
- perverse sexual habits MO5, MO6, MO7
- the perfect man MO1, MO4
Moderate Islam and Moderate Muslims
- A myth? MI1, MI2, MI3
Multiculturalism MC1, MC2
- postmodernism MC3
Narcotics jihad
- killing the kuffars with heroin NJ1, NJ2a, NJ2b
Obsessive Compulsive Islam
- weird rituals OC1
Offensive to Islam
- list of things offensive to Islam OF1
- child-rape at Beslan PB1
- institutionalised pedophilia PI5
- Islamic pedophile gangs in Britain PI2, PI3, PI4, PI6, PI7
- Mohammed's child sex slave Aisha PM1, PM4
- - Mufa'khathat (Thighing) MUF1, MUF2, PM2 (#231 onwards)
- - Muslim Association of Britain PM3
Political Paralysis in the face of Islamic aggression
- committment to the 'Religion of Peace' mantra PO1
- criticism of Islam's totalitarian ideology prosecuted as 'racism' PO9
- denial of intrinsically terrorist nature of Islam PO2, PO5,
- inability to clearly identify the enemy PO10
- political parties infiltrated and subverted PO3 PO4 , PO8, PO6, LA1
- threats of riots PO7, LA2
Polygamy in the West DJ8 DJ4 DJ7
Predators, Plunderers and Parasites PP1, PP2, PP3, PP4, PP5, PP6, DJ7
- as a weapon of Jihad RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5, RP6, RP7
- child-rape at Beslan PB1
- victims stoned to death RP1
- lack of rationalism in Islam RA1, RA2, RA3
- scientific incompetence II2, II3
Taqiyya - see Deception
- 9/11 victims jumped rather than burn to death TO3
- Mohammed 'victorious with terror' TO4
- terrorism only sure way to Muslim's salvation TO1
- train bombers given heroes' funerals TO2
- Islam as a totalitarian power-structure TM1
- primitive tribal aspects of Islam TR1
Security threat and expense SA3
- airports SA1
- intimidation of passengers and security personnel SA2
Sexual perversion (see also paedophilia)
- Islam is sex gone sour SP2, SP3, SP4
- Sexual arousal by watching vidoes of kuffars tortured and killed SP1
Street Jihad
- Muslim gangs attack vulnerable kuffars SJ1
- Kriss Donald, castrated, blinded, mutilated and burned alive SJ2, SJ4
- Henry Webster, boy brain-damaged by mob of Muslim men SJ3
Sudden Jihad Syndrome SJS1
- belief that Muslims should dominate all non-believers SU1, SU2, SU3
- Mosques as symbols of supremacism SU4, SU5, SU6, SU7
Ummah - the Muslim 'tribe'
- every Muslim's primary loyalty UM1 , HU7
- when they can't dominate, they sulk and play the victim VH1, VH2, VH3, VH4
Violence, inseparable from Islam VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4, VI5, VI6, VI7, VI8, VI9
This index is work-in-progress and will be updated from time to time.
Please feel free to copy it and post it on your blog, and edit/update the copies as you see fit.
Excellent site, thanks for the link!
Thank you-Kevin...
Your both welcome.
My contribution:
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