Sunday, March 01, 2009

Are We Counterjihadists Becoming Inured?

(Video via this posting by Carlos Echevarria at THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS)

The mainstream media do their best to ignore the alarming rise of anti-Semitism, both here in the States and in Europe.

At the same time, I found my own reaction to the following video more impassionate than my reaction should have been, certainly less passionate when these types of videos first surfaced:

(YouTube link, with narrative and comments)

My reaction, the wrong one, I know: "Same old, same old."

Did the people of Germany start to feel the same way during the rise of the Third Reich? Horrified and angry, followed by numb and powerless.

Do any of you here at IBA find yourselves having a reaction similar to mine?


midnight rider said...

Yes Yes Yes a thousand times yes! I haven't even had chance to watch it yet (which itself is an indication of how bad it can be) and I can tell you yes. The worst humanity dishes out no longer surprises us. You see something awful and think you'll post it then think "No, just another beheading. Just another honor killing in a Muslim country. W all aleady know this goes on."

I'm with ya, AoW. I know exactly what you mean. Days when you have to force yourself to be appalled when in reality you think why does this surprise anyone.

So you have to remember we're not doing this for our fellow bloggers but for those souls who really are unaware of this. To open their eyes and change their minds.

WC said...

AOW - Perhaps the feeling is one of resignation. Not giving up just believing in the inevitability of the conflicts to come. Civil war in Europe. War between India and Pakistan. Nuke exchange bewteen Iran and Israel.

In every case, the West will be held hostage to the oil producing countries and the next world war will begin.

Us bloggers see the inevitability and can only hope that when the time comes that the sheeple turn for information to make the correct decisions, they will find a treasure chest of information on our blogs.

Just Cause said...

Hey AOW, definitely yes. IMO the problem is that despite the fact that so many people are switched on to it, nothing seems to be improving, and infact getting worse. Every day there seems to be a new layer of stupidity on show by those in charge.

I hate to say this but I don't think it will get better until the tipping point is reached but then it's going to take more than words to sort the mess out. Often I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall trying to tell people of the threat right infront of us but (in a calm rational way) people just don't want to see it and that's the big problem.

All I can say is that we have to keep focused to avoid the worst but failing that, make sure you have plans in place in case it all kicks off.

midnight rider said...

Those of us here who weren't already became news junkies the morning of 9/11. And over 7-1/2 yrs of reading and writing and talking about it have become jaded. It cannot be helped, it comes with the gig. Almost a post traumatic stress among bloggers. There are days you almost have to pump yourself up to feel anything at all when looking at this kind of stuff. We can never, NEVER look at the world the same way Joe on the street does again.

And thank God for that.

Anonymous said...

Yup. But, I walk by faith and not by sight, and no matter how I FEEL, I will continue to speak out, contribute, harass my elected leaders about this crap, and, of course, pray, pray and pray.

I want to win this for me and my children, but if we don't, and we die fighting or enslaved, I want to be able to face my Creator and say that I fought the good fight and finished the course laid before me. We do not get to choose the time we live in, but we get to choose how we spend the time we have.

I am emotionally spent also, but am going to continue. I KNOW what is right and the fact that I feel a particular way on a particular day means absolutely nothing in light of the enormous evil we are facing.

No one hates evil more than God does. I will let Him take the emotional load while I just plod forward.


midnight rider said...

Ro -- Hear Hear!

Always On Watch said...

I used to see some result of reporting and telling the stories I saw on the Internet, i.e., getting people to tune in and wake up.

I don't get that reaction much now. In fact, as Pasto said, people tell me I'm a nut job or say something like, "Oh, yeah. That's just the way things are." They seem to think that somehow things are going to improve or shift with their just sitting on their hands and letting the propaganda fly -- even in their own children's textbooks.

I'm no quitter, but I'm not enjoying life much these days. I feel as if I've reached all those I CAN reach at this point.

WC mentioned a treasure chest of information on our blogs. That treasure chest will only be of long-term importance if the sites are allowed to remain. I'm starting to believe that they won't and that it will be a crime to criticize Islam.

And here's another thing....I feel that watching the doings of Moslems is adversely affecting my own soul. Yet, somehow, I have to keep informed, even if on a more-limited basis. Horror of horrors! I'll stay off the web for several days, then return to find that the same dhimmitude is going on unabated. And our leaders are doing slap-nothing, in fact, the contrary.

Just Cause & MR,
It is good to know that I'm not the only one have this downer reaction. My reaction will stay the same, but misery loves company, I guess.

Always On Watch said...

We can never, NEVER look at the world the same way Joe on the street does again.


I find myself looking around at people carrying on as usual and want to shake some sense into them.

But, on the other hand, they see me carrying on as usual -- on the surface. Underneath, my stomach is churning, and I toss and turn some nights.

midnight rider said...

I've tried to stay off the web for a day or two over the years too, AoW. But like an addict I couldn't. I keep going back even though I knew what I'd see.

What's really pathetic is I do it even on vacation. Wife and kids in the hotel room watching TV & I'd go down to the hotel business center and get on the internet.

midnight rider said...

AoW -- toss and turn nights -- I have a hard time tearing away, especially since I started blogging here. Bedtime 2:00 in the morning with a 6 a.m. wake up is a regular occurance.

And how about at work? Bosses and their demands silly little meetings of things that are of no real importance in the grand scheme and you're sitting there trying to concentrate while thinking about what you're going to post next or what fresh horror is waiting. AND YOU CAN'T TALK TO THEM ABOUT IT. The actual act of blogging and what we put ourselves through. The counterjihad itself, sure, still preaching the point. But I've come close a couple times sitting down with my previous boss (who I get along with very well & still work with) and nearly saying I gotta post this or I just wrote about or read abbout that or you should have seen what Pastorius just put up or Epa said and blowing it altogether.

Just Cause said...

Perhaps it's an epiphany day but my mrs said earlier she thinks I'm spending too much time looking into this stuff and the answer I gave is the same as anonymous said earlier, I'm doing this so our kids don't have to. Even though its words at the moment I hate debating subjects that I don't know enough about to put up a good argument. A few weeks back I broke the golden rule of debating and got angry and straight away I'd lost the argument - I was gutted for days infact it still haunts me! Let's hope that the pen does prove mightier than the sword although I'll be happy to use either to take it to them.

Midnight Rider - ditto on the late nights, early wake up routine! We are really quiet at work at the moment so spend most of the day researching too.

In a way, I want it to kick off now whatever that might be so my kids don't have to face an even greater threat when they are older. One positive for you guys in the states is that you can arm yourselves! We'll have to sort it out old school.

Anonymous said...

I've already decided to make Aliyah. I live in a country which elected a man who has devoted his life to Jewish genocide and who has never associated with a single human being who has not done the same for more than five minutes. The majority of Americans clearly want another Holocaust. This is unarguable. I'm joining the IDF so that I can kill some terrorists and earn citizenship in a country which respects my right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, a nation of which I can be proud and raise children in good conscience. The American peope have failed me and I will never, ever forgive them. My own country is now my enemy, the country to which my great-grandfather immigrated after having been booted out of Germany for being Jewish, after our ancestors were booted out of Spain for being Jewish. My mother left Italy whe she was 7 to escape the damage wrought by fascism only to vote it in in her own nation. I will never forgive her, either.

Hitler gave good speeches, too, you know. I realize that the comparison is not wholly valid, however. Hitler was honest, he was eligible to run for office, and he wrote his own book instead of hiring a terrorist to do it for him.

Anonymous said...

AOW - you reached me just within the last few months. You are still making a difference. A friend of mine, to whom I just casually mentioned some of this stuff last month just e-mailed me and wants to get together to discuss how to get more people "on-board" as well.

We may not win - you guys are right - it may just get all swept away in the maelstrom of WWIII. (I remember reading the Guns of August, knowing how WWI started, yet feeling the dread of seeing the gathering storm and wishing that JUST ONE THING could have gone differently).

And THAT is what you are all doing - pouring energy, integrity, grit and love into this in the hope that you may reach that ONE person or group that may make that ONE decision that MAY, in effect, change history. You may not know until heaven. So, with all the energy you are putting into this, I can understand if you need a break for a while.

But I can guarantee failure if we do nothing. We are testing those aphorisms: 1. The only way for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing; and 2. The Jews could have been saved had the "average German" spoken up.

Unfortunately we are living in a real "Lord of the Rings" scenario. And it's the only life we have.

And we will likely have to trek deeper into the heart of darkness, too. I have come to believe we may, literally die in the process. But not to keep on to is to die now.

Thank all of you for doing all you do and bearing the spiritual and emotional costs.


midnight rider said...

All you IBA bloggers commenters and counterjihadists everywhere I put a post up especially for you.

Ro -- hope you don't mind but I am going to add your comments to it at the bottom.

Always On Watch said...

Whoa! I had no idea this post would lead to such a thread.

I've been really despairing for a while now, but had kept my mouth shut about it here at IBA.

MR & Just Cause,
I'm fortunate on the work front. I speak what I know freely, though I have lost some clientele. Even some friends and family have been avoiding me. And certainly my housework is a disaster.

midnight rider said...

i'm with you Just Cause -- let's get this damn thing rolling. This preliminary stuff is wearing us all down (which is just what they want).

AoW -- forget to write out some bills, fix a leaky faucet, sharpen the wives kitchen knives. My housework is slipping too :>)

Always On Watch said...

I responded to you on the other thread mentioned by MR.

Always On Watch said...

My house is a mess! Downright embarrassing, but I don't fancy much company these anyway.

All I do is read the web, blog, and work at my teaching job. Well, and the occasional break to watch something I've ordered from NetFlix.

I'm going to have to force myself to get some r&r to prevent total burnout.

Always On Watch said...

Jdamn 13,
My mother left Italy whe she was 7 to escape the damage wrought by fascism only to vote it in in her own nation. I will never forgive her, either.

The ultimate betrayal for you?

Anonymous said...

The trouble, as I see it, is that we still lack organizational clout in the sense of a polished tip for our spear. I see some stirrings that that is gradually changing - i.e Act For America, International Free Speech Society, and the entire counter-jihad blog network taken in aggregate.

Still, given the tremendous information tools at our disposal, isn't it a bit surprising that our political systems remain essentially UNCHANGED from what they were over a hundred years ago?

As necessity is the mother of invention, and because we can't fight something with a nothing, a vacuum, it seems we may need to do more than look backward to try to revamp "traditional" values (such as conservatism) which are presently under attack and giving ground.

Instead, we need to find a newer method to gather all jihad resistance voices into a single voice, on momentary demand. This, would enable someone like Geert, or RS, or Brigitte Gabriel, to speak with the temporal power of all people who flatly REJECT SLAVERY TO ISLAM.

Robert Spencer and the other leaders should be able to state, with smiling confidence, that should company X submit to this or that concession, or country Y bend to this or that outrage, a good percentage of the other three quarters of the Earth's free peoples will surely do (or not do) action Z.

Millions of people clearly do not want to submit to this new dark age. What is missing is the framework that would allow an authoritative counter-jihadist, anywhere on the planet's surface, to focus that massive clout on any task or issue that effectively furthers the interests of the counter-jihad movement.

For example, my son's high school might start catering to the specific dietary demands of a certain specific supremacist group at the expense of everyone else. So I click a button that instantly floods thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of pre-authorized complaints to their email box. I don't have to consult any of these thousands of people to send these form letters on their behalf, because I already know they oppose this dietary concession in ALL public schools in all western countries.

The "political leverage blocks" would be build upon a set of declared first principles, which span nation states and political parties alike, and instead rest on a stated foundational principle - such as resistance to or elimination of islamofascism on earth.

When people enter their names into the leverage blocking system, they could complete a detailed questionaire which is then entered into a database allowing sorting and consolidation of all these individual's "sub-peeves".

The questions/statements on the initial questionaire might look something like this.

1.Do you oppose anyone having connections to a designated terrorist group running for political office in a western country?

2.Would you permit prominent counter-jihadists such as Robert Spencer, Geert Wilders, et al, using their discretion in matters of counter-jihad to speak for you or send form letters on your behalf?

3.Would you allow your name to be added to any important counter-jihad action or statement where a survey of a smaller subset of the leverage block indicates majority consensus of opinion?


Sorry it's all still in the rough idea stage.

Anonymous said...

AoW, kinda. She just drank the Kool-Aid. That excuses nothing as far as I'm concerned. I sent her articles about all of Obama's shady, Nazi pallies and advisors. She brought me up to know right from wrong and then forgot what it meant herself. She lost her mind. She can't explain her decision, but she can't admit that he's wrong, either. Her denial is Mohammedan in scope. I told her today about how Obama gave China eminent domain, something which supercedes party politics, and she deflected and tod me how Bibi is having trouble forming a government, as if consrvativism when practiced propery has ever failed anyone, or as he were somehow WORSE THAN OBAMA.

My sister voted for him, too. She young and a seditious little socialist, but I still feel betrayed by her. I feel betrayed by the media, the government who allowed him be elected even though he was ineligible, and the average Joe (but not Joe the Plumber, he's okay). My father did two tours of duty to defend a country which betrayed him. That kills me the most.

Oh, and Italy is 40% anti-Semitic, another betrayal. I'm becoming inured myself. I know that I have to move to Israel. I worry about my sister, though.

Pastorius said...

Just for the record, Jdamn, that "eminent domain" story is false, and was distributed by a known Jew-hating white supremacist named Hal Turner.

Always On Watch said...

She can't explain her decision, but she can't admit that he's wrong, either.

That seems to be the case with almost every BHO supporter I know. However, I've heard a few, a very few, start questioning what they voted into office as they realize the "stimulus" won't help them.

Just Cause said...

@Anonymous - I think your idea is first class. We do need to start to think about working as a collective and a site that would do something like that (email complaints on behalf of members belonging to the collective who agree to the specific cause) would be ideal.

Might be worth an email to Robert Spencer over at Jihad Watch as he's just closed down Dhimmi Watch so he may have the resources to open up a replacement such as what you're suggesting and I'm sure he would agree something like this would be beneficial to the cause?

Or, taking into account Midnight Riders post earlier regarding wandering Jihadis we could have a public front and a private strategy area? You want Jihadis to know the support we can muster but not on what we plan to do next.

Consider this, out of the 60+ thousand views, there's nothing to say that 59 thousand of them were snooping Jihadis who transmit back to HQ who adjust their approach accordingly. We have to factor this in so when our number grows they might start to appear to lay off the demands which would immediately undermine our efforts.

Epaminondas said...

Inured, no.

But I have totally lost patience with endless explanations

I just arrived here, from HERE.

Take a look at the Freeman appointments and articles.

The frame of reference is so off the wall that there is no common point of reference to have a discussion.

I got THERE, from HERE notice the things NOT said about Freeman's views

Meanwhile the silent grand jihad goes on near unnoticed, spurring visible signs like the worldwide antisemitic frenzies extant EVERYWHERE right down to OUR STREETS.

Today we see the Nov vote being heralded as showing that progressives are objectively RIGHT.


How did people like Lady Bonham Carter and Ronald Cartland DO IT for all those years and REMAIN CALM?