Friday, March 27, 2009

Are We On the Road to an Idiocracy?

If liberal policies go the way they are headed.....

First 10 minutes of Idiocracy (Clip 1) - Watch more

First 10 minutes of Idiocracy (Clip 2) - Watch more

Thank you Mr. Obama.


Damien said...


I saw Idiocracy. It was a funny movie. But how is this supposed to convince anyone not to vote for Obama? Or are you just joking?

WC said...


Does he agree that families come in all shapes and sizes? Is he for unlimited immigration of unskilled and uneducated immigrants? Does he agree with the dumbing down of our education system with courses in elementary school on cultural values, etc etc. taking time from the 3 Rs?

The movie does the math.

Damien said...


you Wrote,
Does he agree that families come in all shapes and sizes? Is he for unlimited immigration of unskilled and uneducated immigrants? Does he agree with the dumbing down of our education system with courses in elementary school on cultural values, etc etc. taking time from the 3 Rs?
Maybe, but simply posting a couple clips from a movie like ideocracy wouldn't convince me to oppose Obama, if I didn't already. Could you site at least one reputable source to back up your claim? That would make your argument much more convincing.

maccusgermanis said...

Opposing Obama is ancillary. Whether to vote for him or not is an untimely consideration. He is the current president, and is a symtom rather than a cause. The ideals which he serves are those of a reductionist utopia. Just like the self decribed "free market kind a guy", that steped in when the market wasn't "functioning properly," governmental programs in the name of fairness interfere with a more organic and stable order. Unsaid in the clips is that such reckless child bearing and rearing would be much harder if the procreators had to work to support the first litter. Instead gov't aid feeds, clothes, and otherwise grooms for election day harvest, voting chattel. Interfering with more natural selections, left utopian fantasies reward mental slavery. -idiocracy-