Monday, March 16, 2009

Battle of the Videos Continued - Amy Winehouse

I dare you to take your eyes off this woman. Not that she is beautiful. She's rather frightening. But, she has that air of someone who is completely unpredictable. You expect that she might just burst into flames at any second.

Note how the whole song she's just waiting to get to her drink. The singing is just a ruse, something she dabbles at between drinks.

And yet, somehow, she is brilliant. Not just a brilliant singer. She is a brilliant musician. A star burning very, very brightly. I hope she lives a long life, so we get to enjoy her for some time to come.


midnight rider said...

I hope she lives long, too, Pasto. Terrific talent but the way she's going. . .

Pastorius said...

Yeah, I know.

That glass is more important than the song.

Anonymous said...

Sorry got no time for this Nelso Mandal supporting anoerexic heroin addicted piss head

Consider the song promoting drug use and defiance against getting help.
Nice message to send to young minds.
This type of songs should not be allowed to hit the air waves.

They should cut the tongue out of this drug promoting hag.

midnight rider said...

Whoa, Shiva, friend, dude

Everyone has their own flavor of music they like.

Rock 'n Roll songs have been singing about sex, drugs and defiance since there have been Rock 'n Roll songs.

And I don't necessarily agree with her politics.

But dude, censorship? Cutting tongues out?

That sounds a little bit like a certain group we've firmly planted ourselves against here. I think you need a drink.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the outburst but she is part of the opposition

midnight rider said...

Shiva my friend, no need to apologize for the outburst. Outbursts are our specialty here. You know that.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Springsteen pissed me off in the same way when he started openly supporting O, especially after doing something like The Rising. I can't listen to him anymore.

Someday you and I will meet and I'm gonna buy you a beer. 'Tho I may put it on Pasto's tab :)

Pastorius said...

HA HA! Good luck with that.

Shiva, is Amy Winehouse a big lefty?

I remember a few months back some Jihadists bastards were threatening her because she was a Jew.

Anonymous said...

midnight rider said...
I'm gonna buy you a beer

Thanx a million, but no thanx, but a mango juice will go fine, along with joint or two

Okay I quit the booze 25 years, and I was drinking seriously

I have Zero tolerance towards booze, but I do not impose this on others, unlike moslems who have never tasted the stuff.

I also have zero tolerance towards hard drugs.

So these leads me to having having zero tolerance to the glorification of booze and hard drug abuse.

Anonymous said...

Because Billie Holiday and Janis Joplin died of drug abuse along with a lot of other 'stars' doesn't make it Ok. It just makes it more tragic. Drugs are not about rebellion they are about the appearance of rebellion - the reality is they are individually and socially destructive.
Its also a sickening that Amy Whinehouses money is going to pay for arms used to shot at british troops in Iraq and Afghanistan - not to mention other parts of organised crime - she, and her like are not 'stars' they are traitors - to themselves and to their country and to Young people who have been brainwahed into aspiring to be like them.

Oh, she sang at Israeli hating Nelson Mandela's 90th birthday concert in Hyde, so much for her Jewishness

Pastorius said...

Considering your history, I must ask, when and how did you come to your born-again beliefs about drugs?

Maybe you should write a post on that subject. Clearly, you have made some huge changes in your life.

That's interesting.

Pastorius said...

I guess my question is, if you used to be involved in the procurement and distribution business (which you have admitted here), then how is it that you now disapprove so strongly of drugs that you would condemn an individual like Amy Winehouse for using them?

I agree with you that she is clearly an addict, and that her situation is pathetic/tragic. I'm a musician. I have friends who have gone off the rails, and I've had some trouble myself, so I understand getting to the end of the line, but your story is even more interesting than that, apparently.

midnight rider said...

Shiva -- this is in response to your comments here and at the other Winehouse post --

I don't consider Winehouse a blues singer. More r & b, maybe. Good current lady blues singers I like are Rory Block (acoustic country blues), Susan Tedeschi, Ana Popovic, Janiva Mangess (she's had some heavy problems, too, but overcame them) etc.

Anyway, have one of the quintessetial lady blues singers up for tonight if things go as hoped. One you mentioned above :)

I agree with Pasto. I think your story would be both interesting and useful if you chose to tell it and could do so without revealing too much about your real identity.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I will get around to doing a poppynogood post where we can continue.

But my own story is no I Have Seen The Light Saga

Pastorius said...

That's ok with me.

I have known a lot of people who have seen the light who become very condemnatory. And, they tend to be condemnatory to the degree they know that they can not trust themselves. In other words, they attempt to set up rules for the rest of us because of weaknesses within themselves.

That sounds an awful lot like Islam to me.

I have had my problems, and many of my friends have had very serious problems. I have lost friends to drug and alcohol abuse. I know the horrors.

Here's the way I see it: The rock n' roll world (or creative world in general) is a kind of extreme sport of the mind. We do not condemn surfers for riding 50 foot waves, or snowboarders for jumping off cliffs, so why do we condemn artists for experimenting with their minds.

I'm of no mind to do such a thing.

However, when my friends crash, I try to help them.




So, when they die, well fuck it, that's the price you pay, if that's the life you want to live.

I chose to stop living like that several years ago.

One problem with abusing drugs or alcohol is, most people tend to become very isolated and selfish within their own strange bubble, and consequently, they become very unloving and live very unfulfilling lives.

That's a fucked up way to live, whether it's drugs, money, or whatever it is that causes one to be that way.