Tuesday, March 24, 2009

If you are reading this... you are probably part of a VERY small minority

76% Say AIG Executives Should Be Forced To Give Back Bonuses

76% are thus too pissed to pay attention to the Constitution, too pissed to be a nation of laws, too pissed to act for the sanctity of a contract, and in fact represent a LYNCH MOB.

I'm angry too, but IT IS WITH THE CONGRESS.

They allowed it.

They blessed it with a conscious vote on a bill they were TOO LAZY TO READ, and too scared to slow down to give themselves more time to do so.

These greedy sharp operators got themselves in a corner, but that is NO EXCUSE for Barney Frank's THUG act on TV, Andrew Cuomo's THUG act in NY and ACORN's THUG bug tour.

That three quarters of the people agree that these AIG people should be COMPELLED by any means including government intimidation, unconstitutional bills of attainder or any other means without reference to thinking about their own future tells me we are in real real trouble, and that not too many today are familiar with the ideas, ideals, OR practicalities of the founding men.


midnight rider said...

Yes please, read this http://ibloga.blogspot.com/2009/03/your-invoice.html

wrote it last night. besides the legality of it all it comes out to 50 cents for each man woman and child plus the paper to print the refund on and the stamp to mail it etc it would cost more to get the money back and back to the people than it is.

But Congress, I feel, owes We the People a refund on salaries paid for shoddy work.

Always On Watch said...

I'm angry too, but IT IS WITH THE CONGRESS.

They allowed it.

Spot on.

But the BHO administration is going to use all the public outrage to go after all executives' salaries.

Well, we should have seen this coming. After all, BHO has previously advocated income redistribution and wealth redistribution. Once he get popular opinion behind those ideas, there will be no stopping him!

Anonymous said...

Those bonuses are an indecency, an indecency sanctioned by the government. Not quite as indecent as bringing in legislation to tax 90%, that is against all legal principles
throughout the world, practice confined only the the very worst dictatorships.

Epaminondas said...

ciccio it was the British use of that precise practice which caused it to be in the COnstitution.

They would anathematize, beggar and jail those who were deemed politically OUT or of use in such a position ..sort of like the disgraced executives of questionable businesses seen as greedy.

If we do not protect the rights of the most obnoxious among us, we will all lose our rights and freedoms.