Sunday, March 08, 2009

The Obama Excusers excuses for performance criticisms

The 'View" from Bob Herbert:
But there is a weird hysterical quality
to some of the recent attacks
that suggests an underlying fear
or barely suppressed rage.
It's a quality that seems not just unhelpful but unhealthy.

  • In the midst of the craziness, conservatives are busy trying to blame this epic economic catastrophe -- a conflagration of their own making -- on the new president. Forget Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush and George Herbert Hoover Bush and the Heritage Foundation and the Club for Growth and Phil Gramm and Newt Gingrich and all the rest. The right-wingers would have you believe this is Obama's downturn.

  • As the columnist Charles Krauthammer was kind enough to inform us: "The markets' recent precipitous decline is a reaction not just to the absence of any plausible bank rescue plan, but also to the suspicion that Obama sees the continuing financial crisis as usefully creating the psychological conditions -- the sense of crisis bordering on fear-itself panic -- for enacting his 'big-bang' agenda to federalize and/or socialize health care, education and energy, the commanding heights of post-industrial society."
"Never waste a good crisis". Attack Rush Limbaugh ..CYNICALLY and GRATUITOUSLY while the slobberingly slavish press actually finds out that an enemies list was the plan since November indicating good time was spent on these issues even though we can track the schwerpunckt of this crisis to Sept 15th and Lehman Bros being allowed to die.

  • I don't know whether President Obama's ultimate rescue plan for the financial industry will work. He is a thoughtful man running a thoughtful administration and the plan, a staggeringly complex and difficult work in progress, hasn't been revealed yet.
A great line. First of all if this is a thoughtful man then Richardson, Daschle, Solis, Geithner, Freeman make that a remarkable claim. If this is a thoughtful man he has appointed to arguably THE most critical position not only a tax evader, but some who can't organzie himself enough to name ANY of his 20+ undersecretaries so that whatever the plan is can get unrolled out of plans and into reality.

  1. Thoughtful .. the letter to Russia offering a system he denigrated, his secretary called ineffective as a chip to swap for Russian help with a power who would nvever give up their prime goal?
  2. Thoughtful, the first interview with racist TV?
  3. Thoughtful, the first phone call to a holocaust minimizer?
  4. Thoughtful, the idea that peace can be achieved by pressuring Israel to give up settlements when the other sides target is giving up Israel?
  5. Thoughtful, the plan to bankrupt coal AND have the tax evading lonely Sec Treas come out swinging against energy companies over global warming while we import a majority of our oil?
  6. Thoughtful 'outreach' to the Taliban?
  7. Thoughtful ..throwing loyal NATO allies under the bus?
  8. Thoughtful, sending back a bust of Winston Churchill, and his treatment of the British Prime Minister?

Second, the idea that the plan has not been revealed yet is a stunning claim. It's been five months. Surely at least a general direction exists in the mind of Obama. If not, after all this time..

Obama has eschewed UTTERLY the idea of post partisan cooperation
His ideas so far consist of the SAME kind of stupid REACTIONS that Mr. Bush undertook.
His team criticizes the opposition as people who want to do nothing about this crisis, while they foster an attitude among americans that you can't make a decent living without the government intervening, something now believed by a majority of his party. And yet the opposition has publicized their own ignored plans.

This man came to power amidst the prayerful hope of those who think of themselves as conservatives that his actions in service to the nation would be helpful to the nation and THUS be helpful to his party and his politcal suasion.

There is no evidence that this is true unless it is through the lens of a socialist reformation of the USA. Mr. Obama HAS convinced me he DOES believe in that, as his history has indicated, and as he spent the campaign denying.

Both domestically and in foreign affairs this administration is threatening to veer from disturbingly naive, unprepared and dumb, to cataclysmic failure amid what THEY see as their mandate to and chance to change America as the priority, as opposed to what he was was SPECIFICALLY elected for...FIX THE ECONOMY.

I didn't expect success in this economy in this amount of time.
I did expect a detailed plan which has a modicum of chance of success. Enough of a modicum to affect confidence and fear, and as we see from the jobs picture, 'GM', and consumer spending ..the nation agrees with the conclusions here when they act, even though they retain hope in this man personally.


Michael J. Bernard said...

Not only is Obama a lazy slacker who is spending millions of dollars entertaining and smoozing late into the night at the White House, but he is a confirmed narcissist with no real interest in the day to day work of being President.


Anonymous said...

well we chose.

america looked at a man who suffered unbeleivably at the hands of our enemies, and has worked tirelessly as a servant of the people, and said no

instead they wanted someone who had literally no experience, and questionable ties to some of americas worst radicals, and a personality that bordered on socioppathy and narcsism and said~~ now thats what america needs!

Pastorius said...

I think America does deserve Obama. The evidence is we voted for him. That shows a lack of seriousness, and for that we deserve to pay.

If you stay up all night binge-drinking, don't complain when you are hungover the next day.